
教学准备 PPT。 教学过程

Step 1: Greetings

Greet the students as usual. Step 2: Warming up Chatting.

Chat with the students about the things around the room by showing them pictures. Ask the students to spell the new words.

Step 3: Work on 2a-2b

2a Revise what the things are. Ask the students to read the words aloud. Play the tape for students and let them number them.

2b Play the tape again, the students number the things 1-6 in the picture. Imitate the dialogues.

Step 4: Practice

A guessing game. Show the students a picture of a room with a few things in it. Have them guess the places of the other things.

e.g.: T: There is a bookcase in it. Is the bookcase near the bed?

Ss: Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

Write the general question and the answers on the blackboard.

2c Look at the picture in 2b again. The students use general questions to ask and answer about the things in it.

Step 5: Work on 3c Find the difference

Student A looks at Picture 1 (Textbook P21). Student B looks at Picture 2 (Textbook P19 1a). Ask and answer in pairs and fill in the form.

e.g.: SA: Where is the schoolbag? Is it under the table? SB: No, it isn’t. It’s on the table. Things backpack pencil case books keys dog Picture 1 under the table Picture 2 on the table Ask some students to report their answer like this: In Picture 1, the pencil case is ... In Picture 2, the pencil case is ..., In Picture 1, the books are ... In Picture 2, the books are ...

Step 6: Practice the drill “Where is/are ...?” 1. Work on 2d Role-play the conversation.

Ask the students to read the dialogue in pairs and then let two pairs act it out. 2. Present short dialogues, using pictures or objects to help.

Dialogue 1:

A: Where’s my bag?

B: I don’t know. Is it on the sofa? A: No, it isn’t. Dialogue 2:

A: Where’re my books?

B: I don’t know. Are they on the bed? A: Yes, they are.

Teach “don’t=do not”, “know”.

Let the students make similar dialogues according to the pictures in 3a and 3b. After they have finished the exercise, let one or two students report their answers. Step 7: Homework

Finish off the exercises in the exercise books. Act out the dialogues. 教学反思


第3课时 Section B 1a-1e

教学目标 一、知识与技能

1. 句型:What’s this? It’s a watch. How do you spell it? W-A-T-C-H.

Where’s …? It’s in/on/under ...

Where’re…? They’re in/on/under ...

2. 词汇:clock、tape、player、math book、model plane。 3. Improve the speaking ability 二、过程与方法

Listen, read and make notes. 三、情感态度与价值观

Improve the abilty of listening and cooperative ability. 教学重点

1. 句型:What’s this? It’s a watch. How do you spell it? W-A-T-C-H.

Where’s …? It’s in/on/under ...

Where’re…? They’re in/on/under ...

2. 词汇:clock、tape、player、math book、model plane。


利用所学句型进行对话。 教法导航

Independent preview, cooperative and inquiry learning. 学法导航

cooperative and inquiry learning. 教学准备 PPT、表格。 学生准备

记忆相关词汇。 教学过程

Step 1: Greetings

Greet the students as usual. Step 2: Warming up

Ask some pairs to act out the dialogues in Section A, 2d. Step 3: New words learning

Show the students a picture of a room. Let the students say like this: The ID card is on the table. The books are on the chair.

Let some students list some new words. Practice reading them. Match the new words with the things in the picture in 1a. Pair work. Talk about the picture in 1b. Step 4: Listen, circle and write

Play the tape twice for the students to listen and circle the things Tom wants from his room. Check the answers of 2a.

Listen again. Write down the sentences about where Tom’s things are. Check the answers.

Then ask the students to ask and answer questions about the things in Tom’s room. Step 5: Group work Decorate the room for Emma. Show the students a picture of Emma’s untidy room. Group work. Decorate the room for Emma. Make a report.

Step 6: Self assessment Group work Things backpack pen notebook keys dictionary on the chair in the pencil case on the bookcase/in the backpack/on the desk In the drawer/bag on the bookcase/in the backpack/on the desk Places Yes No Score 10 10 10 10 10 alarm clock socks pictures shoes CDs Total: on the bed/desk in the drawer on the wall under the bed on the desk/bookcase 10 10 10 10 10 Your final score: 70~100: You keep your room very tidy. 40~60: You keep your room a little tidy. 0~30: You keep your room untidy. Step 7: Homework

Write at least eight sentences to describe your bedroom to your friends. 课堂作业

Step 6: Self assessment 教学反思


第4课时 Section B 2a-Self Check

教学目标 一、知识与技能

1. Improve the reading skills. 2. Master the new words. 二、过程与方法

引导学生通过阅读获取信息,提高综合能力。 三、情感态度与价值观

There is nothing difficult if we put heart into it. 教学重点

1. 阅读文章获取信息的能力。 2. Improve the reading skills. 教学难点

利用所学句型写作的能力。 教法导航


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