

Topic Unit 1 Communities Total 4 Language goals 1. Words & expressions: donated ,put up , performance, move 2. Key sentences: After supper, Jerry and his friends began Jerry and his friends have to Jerry and his classmates planned to Ability goals Enable the students to read the materials Enable the students to talk about the story. Emotion & attitude goals Enable the students to share their happiness with others Strategy goals Learn how to summarize information Culture awareness goals Learn the western attitude about Communities. Teaching important points Writing Teaching procedures and ways Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Step 1 1 T: How was your Lead in Communities. 2.Write the activities that Ss talk about and teach the phrases in Activity 11 3.checktheanswers4,1,2,3 Step 2 1. get the Ss to finish Look and Activity12 complete2. Check their work . Step 3 get the Ss to finish Activity13 . Check their work Teaching Time reference 1. Read and match Brainsto5min2. Learn the new words rming s and phrases. 1. Ss read the words and get the meaning of each words. 2. Look and complete Look and complete Tape recording Tape recording 5mins 12 mins Step 4 Step 5 Practice Read and Role-placomplete.Choose the right ying answers. Step 6 Give marks to each Ss talk about their Assessing group. performance HomeworActivity14,15 k Blackboar d design Unit 1 Communities How safe this area is! What kind of public transportation is nearby? And if they’ve done anything special to their homes. Summari es

Walk around the classroom and offer help if necessary. Walk around the classroom and offer help if necessary. Ss choose answers the right Role-playing 10 mins 10 mins 2 mins Topic Unit 1 Communities Total 5 Language goals 1. Words & expressions: donated ,put up , performance, move 2. Key sentences: After supper, Jerry and his friends began Jerry and his friends have to Jerry and his classmates planned to Ability goals Enable the students to read the materials Enable the students to talk about the story. Emotion & attitude goals Enable the students to share their happiness with others Strategy goals Learn how to summarize information Culture awareness goals Learn the western attitude about Communities. Teaching important points Writing Steps Step1 :Teacher’s activities Teaching Time reference 1.Ss listening and number Brainsto5mi rming ns 2. Learn the new words and phrases. Ss choose out Tape 5michoose the right answers. recordins ng Students’ activities Activity 3 Listen and complete listening and speaking Recent Call Step2 :listen and choose Step3: listen and complete. Activity 4 Read and complete Translation 1. 你必须马上去洗手。 2. 你最好先完成家庭作业。 3. 今晚去购物怎么Tape 1. Ss read aloud the dialogue. recordi ng 2.Translate these sentences. 12 mins

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