


MODULE1 OUR LIFE《Unit2 What Should Jiamin Do》·······························2 MODULE1 OUR LIFE《Unit3 Let’s Go Further》··········································5 MODULE2 SEEING A DOCTOR《Unit4 Janet Feels Ill》····························9 MODULE2 SEEING A DOCTOR《Unit5 Janet Goes to the

Doctor’s》····························································································································11 MODULE3 OUR SCHOOL AND OUR CLASS《Unit7 Is Yongxian’s new school larger》···································································································································17 MODULE4 WILD ANIMALS《Unit10 What are the biggest animals in the world》···························································································································21 MODULE4 WILD ANIMALS《Unit11 What animals run fastest》············26 MODULE4 WILD ANIMALS《Unit12 Let’s Go Further》································29 MODULE5 EATING HABITS《Unit13 I Prefer Hamburgers》·····················32 MODULE5 EATING HABITS《Unit14 Which Food Do You Prefer》········35 MODULE5 EATING HABITS《Unit15 Let’s Go Further》························38 MODULE6 WEATHER《Unit16 What’s the weather like》······················44 MODULE6 WEATHER《Unit17 What season do you like best》··············48 MODULE6 WEATHER《Unit18 Let’s Go Further》······································53


MODULE1 OUR LIFE《Unit2 What Should Jiamin Do?》 1教学目标


by, train , leave , exciting, valley, island, taxi 2、能理解并运用以下句型:

Where are you going? How will you go there? What will you do in Shenzhen ? When will you come back home? 3、能理解并流利朗读Let’s talk中的对话。 2学情分析



能四会单词: by, train,leave,.exciting,valley,island,taxi

2. 能运用句型

Where/How/When/What will you ...? What should ... 4教学过程

4.1一、Warming –up: 1. Let’s chant.

2. Let’s play (Say out the dates.)

二、Presentation and practice


一)1.学习句型:Where are you going on your holiday I will go to Shenzhen.

2. 学习单词:exciting

二)1.学习句型:What will you do in Shenzhen I will visit Window of the World. I want to Happy Valley.

2. 学习单词:valley.

3.Look and say操练句型What will you do in Shenzhen


三)1.学习句型:How will you go there I will go there by train.

2.学习单词:train , taxi.

3.Look and say 操练句型:How will you go there 及学习出行方式on foot.

四)1.学习句型:When will you come back home I will come home on October 4th. 2.Look and say (操练句型:When will you come back home )

五)Look and say (课本P39词条的图片) 1.学习单词:island


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