16级 大学英语3(听说)Unit 8 教案

1).Tell students that they are going to hear three people talking about Internet dating. The students should Check ( √ ) the box

Eg, Listen to the passage about three people talking about Internet dating, then Check ( √ ) the box

What are their views? Fill in the blanks with the information you hear 2) Play the recording 3) Check answers

Step5. Do Activity 5: Dating around the world

1)Teacher ask students “How do you usually meet people? ”. With the class, list on the board and discuss any ways they know

2)Familiarize students with the proper names and new words. Ask them to read the words aloud after you.

3)Tell them the will hear the interviews “Dating around the world,” and listen to the first part of the talk for general idea.

4) Play the recording 5)Check answers. Step6. Pronunciation

1. Listen to these sentences. Notice how the final item in a series has a falling tone. 1). Joan interviewed Debra, Maria, Brad, and Yasmin.

2). The winner will receive a diamond ring, a new sports car, and $50,000. 3). We need to get some juice, soda, and coffee.

Pair work. Complete the chart in the book. Share your answers with a partner using correct intonation.

Step Three Speaking & Communication(第二课堂活动) Step1. Ask student play roles of a party alive. 1. 活动主题: Man and Woman 2. 实现方式:话题演讲 3. 实现步骤:

(1) Introduce the situation to the class before the class.

(2) Ask students use words and expression I gave them to report weather.

(3) Divide students into 6 groups. Each group has 6-8 students.

(4)Every group needs to do some preparation work before class, such as learning words for describing parties, learning how to extend and accept party invit

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