人教版高中英语必修三《Unit 4 How life began on the earth》Reading教学设计

Book 3 Unit 4 How life began on the earth Reading


1. Teaching Analysis 教情分析 1.1 Teaching objectives-教学目标 1.1.1 Language target语言目标 Key words & expressions重点词汇和短语 For applying: theory, billion, violent, atmosphere, unlike, fundamental, harmful, chain, thus, puzzle, biology, biologist ,prevent...from, in time, give birth to, in one’s turn, For comprehending: atom, globe, global, carbon, vapour, presence, dissolve, acid, reaction, multiply, oxygen, mammal, dioxidelay eggs, carbon dioxide; For recognizing: Big Bang, nitrogen, shellfish, amphibian; Sentence structures:

① What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe.

② It was not immediately obvious that water was fundamental to the development of life .

③ After that, some huge animals, called dinosaurs, developed.

④ So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.

⑤ They were in time to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other


1.1.2 Ability goals能力目标 Enable Ss to know how to guess the new words according to the passage. Enable Ss to talk about the science of the stars, the development of life . Enable the Ss to understand the details about the passage. Enable the Ss to retell the passage using key sentences. 1.1.3 Emotion goals情感目标

Enable Ss to think about the origin of life on the earth and learn how to protect the earth.

1.2 Important & difficult teaching points-教学重难点 1.2.1 Important teaching points-教学重点

How to talk about talk about the origin of life on the earth. 1.2.2 Difficult teaching points-教学难点 How to understand the origin of life on the earth . 2. Student analysis学情分析 2.1 Fundamental state基本情况

通过第1课时的listening and speaking,学生对本单元的话题Astronomy: the science of the stars已有所了解,并进一步丰富了一些有关天文学的信息和知识,同时激活了学生的思维,为本节课进行短文的阅读和理解提供了支撑。

2.2 Knowledge reserve知识储备

Students know some knowledge about space by speaking and listening in period one. What are learned in period one gets Ss interested in the topic of this period.

2.3 Class data本班实际 3. Teaching methods教法建议

question and answer method问答法,task-based teaching method任务型教学法,communicative approach交际法,situational teaching approach情景教学法, group cooperation research approach小组合作探究法 4. Teaching Aids教学辅助

blackboard , computer or ipad, projector 5.Teaching procedures-教学进程 5.1 Step I Leading in & Pre-reading:

5.1.1 Watch BBC news and answer the question Does Sophia the robot want to be considered a human?

5.1.2 Show Ss some pictures about legend of how life began on the earth. (Teachers show the pictures of Pangu and

Nvwa to present some culture’s own ideas about howlife began on the earth.) 5.2 Step II Reading practice-阅读训练 5.2.1 Fast reading

I. Read to find out the main idea of each paragraph. 1. what does the passage tell us?

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