
Duchess.Why does he give his guest such a clue?

Based on the poem's style, structure, and historical references, it becomes evident that even if the speaker did not directly kill his wife, he certainly had something to hide.

Thomas Hardy Tess of the D’Urbervilles 1. How does Tess react to Clare’s suggestion that they should leave their shelter? Why?

She showed a strange unwillingness to move. Because she doesn’t want to put an end to all that’s sweet and lovely peacefulness and affection.

2. What is the significance of Tess resting on an altar in the heathen temple?

1)She is the sacrifice of the social conventions and prejudice which society has placed upon her

2)In Hardy's eyes, she is the epitome of the purity of women, as pure as the sacrifices which are placed upon the altar.

3)She knows the fate which is about to befall upon her, just as the sacrifices on the altar, inescapable death.

4)Her death is caused by human hypocrisy and foolishness, similar to that of a sacrifice. 5)At the end, the only place which can accept her for who she is is death and sacrifice. 6)Biblical allusion. Parallel to phrase the first, when Abraham and her where on the carriage. Similar to the biblical story where Abraham was to sacrifice his son, the family sacrificed Tess.

3. Comment on this sentence: “Justice’ was done, and the President of the lmmortals (in Aeschylean phrase ) had ended his sport with Tess”. In what sense is Tess’ story tragic?

(1)Tess is a typical victim of the society. Poverty of the family, inhumanity, injustice and hypocrisy of the society decide her tragedy. The two men— the one who takes away her virginity and purity, the other who takes away her love but deserts her on the very weding nigh

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