

Cloze 1

argue, they, honest, much, talk, sing, opinion, help, experience, control

Many teenagers don’t get along well with their parents and they don’t know what to do. If you face such a problem, what I’m saying now might be 1. to you.

Have you ever thought of talking to your parents to find out why you don’t get along well with each other? When I was a teenager, I didn’t get on well with my parents, either. We sometimes 2. with each other. I am sorry that I had such an 3. . Now I’m a mother of four girls. Of course we have different 4. , but I encourage them to communicate with me openly and 5. . In this way I make sure that they trust me and come to me for anything. As a result, we get along very well.

Arguing with your parents will make 6. angry and you won’t feel good. Also, remember that the 7. important thing is to solve problems. When you are 8. to your parents, try your best to be calm. If you cannot 9. your feelings, you can go to a doctor or your teacher who could give you advice on your problem.

Remember that your parents love you. Sometimes they do something that you find hard to understand. For example, you may want to be a 10. in the future, but your parents want you to do something else. If so, try to think in their shoes.

Life is too short and family is important! Try your best to get along well with your parents.

【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。描述了青少年与父母之间很难友好相处。作者在做了妈妈之后,鼓励孩子大胆地和父母交流,并提醒青少年要保持冷静,控制好自己的情绪,珍爱生活和家人,和父母和睦相处。 【词汇分析】

argue v. 争吵;争论→argues(动词单三形式)→argued(过去式/过去分词)→arguing(现在分词) they pron.他/她/它们→them(宾格)→their(形容词性物主代词)→theirs(名词性物主代词)→themselves(反身代词) honest adj.诚实的→honestly(副词)诚实地 much adj.大量的→more(比较级)→most(最高级) talk v.谈论→talks(动词单三形式)→talked(过去式/过去分词)→talking(现在分词) sing v.唱;唱歌→sings(动词单三形式)→sang(过去式)→sung(过去分词)→singer(名词)歌手 opinion n.观点→opinions(复数) help v.& n. 帮助→helps(动词单三形式)→helped(过去式/过去分词)→helping(现在分词)→helpful(形容词)有帮助的 experience n. 经历→experiences(复数) v. 经历→experiences(动词单三形式)→experienced(过去式/过

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