小区物业管理系统的设计与实现 毕业设计



题 目 小区物业管理系统的设计与实现 系 别 计算机科学与技术学院 姓 名 学 号 指导教师


摘 要



经过综合的分析,整个系统采用B/S结构,使用JAVA技术做开发语言,JSP做页面显示,TOMCAT 6.0做服务器端进行系统发布,MYSQL做后台数据库进行数据存储,在win7系统上安装JDK做运行与调试环境。该系统可供登录者查询或发布信息,可通过此系统了解小区物业管理情况,小区管理员还能够查询各种收费。系统中管理员有特定的权限,可以对用户和各种信息进行添加,删除,修改等,方便网站的管理与维护,很好的解决了以前工作流程的繁杂性、多样化、收缴费用与设备维护繁琐的特征,大大提升了小区物业的管理水平,将计算机的强大功能与现代的管理思想相结合。建立现代的智能小区是物业管理发展的方向。 关键词:物业管理、Java、MYSQL、B/S、JSP、javascript



This paper mainly aimed at the Intelligent Community property management and the status of the property management system, expounded on the district Web-based property management system design and implementation methods.

With the development of Internet technology, we live in the information society as a whole process of gradually accelerate. The Internet has also become a living as an

indispensable important component. We live Internet of applications, including Web-surfing, information dissemination functions and timely communication functions.JAVA technology has developed rapidly in recent years, it makes the WEB technology is not limited to simply provide the information service, but has increasingly become an operating platform, to provide users with a powerful service function.Therefore, based on B/S architecture to create the plot property management web site, the following industry development, meet the needs of people's lives, learning, and then realize the information network.After comprehensive analysis, the system adopts B/S structure, using JAVA technology development language, the JSP page displays, TOMCAT 6.0 do release the server system, MYSQL backend database for data storage, JDK installation do run on Windows 7 system and debugging environment.The system is available for login query or release information,it can understand small property management through this system,village owner will also be able to query various charges.

System administrators have specific permissions, the user and all kinds of information can be add, delete, modify, and so on, convenient management and maintenance of website, very good solve the workflow multifarious before sex, diversification, collecting fees and maintenance trival, greatly improved the level of residential property management, computer powerful function combined with modern management thinking, establishing modern intelligent village is the developing direction of property management.

Keywords:Building Management SystemJava、MYSQL、B/S、JSP、Javascript


目 录

1 绪论 ............................................................ 1

1.1 前 言 ....................................................... 1 1.2 系统的开发背景 .............................................. 1 1.3 系统选题目的及意义 .......................................... 2 2 开发工具及相关技术介绍 .......................................... 3

2.1 Java及 MyEclipse相关介绍 ................................... 3 2.2 数据库MySQL Server 5.5相关介绍 ............................. 3 2.3 服务器Tomcat 6.0相关介绍 ................................... 4 2.4 B/S结构相关介绍............................................. 4 3 系统分析及可行性研究 ............................................ 7

3.1 需求分析 .................................................... 7 3.2 可行性研究 .................................................. 7

3.2.1 技术的可行性........................................... 7 3.2.2 经济可行性............................................. 8 3.2.3 操作可行性............................................. 8 3.2.4 社会可行性............................................. 8

4 系统概要设计 ................................................... 10

4.1 系统设计的目标 ............................................. 10 4.2 系统功能分析 ............................................... 10 4.3 系统功能模块图 ............................................. 11 4.4 系统功能介绍 ............................................... 11

4.4.1 小区信息管理模块...................................... 11 4.4.2 用户信息管理模块...................................... 12 4.4.3 物业信息管理模块...................................... 12 4.4.4 停车位管理模块........................................ 12 4.4.5 权限设置模块.......................................... 12 4.5 数据库设计 ............................................... 12

4.5.1 系统总体设计.......................................... 12 4.5.2 数据库表设计.......................................... 14

5 系统功能实现过程 ............................................... 16

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