Redback SE800设备操作手册
5.1 日常检测
2.SmartEdge 800 Status LEDs(SE800机框状态指示灯) Label Activity 名称 有效状态 On 亮 PWR A Off 灭 On PWR B 亮 Off 灭 FAN 风扇
3.SmartEdge 800 Alarm LEDs(机框告警指示灯): Label 名称 ACO Activity 有效状态 On 亮 Color 颜色 Description 描述 On 亮 Color 颜色 Green 绿 None 无 Green 绿 None 无 Red 红 Description 描述 The A-side .48 VDC power source is present A路48伏交流电电源通电正常; The A-side .48 VDC power source is absent A路48伏交流电电源没有通电 The B-side .48 VDC power source is present B路48伏交流电电源通电正常; The B-side .48 VDC power source is absent B路48伏交流电电源没有通电 A failure condition exists on the fan and alarm unit. 告警单元或者风扇存在故障信息; Yellow An audible alarm condition exists but the 黄 audible alarm has been silenced. 一个声音告警,但是该告警已经被静音; Off 灭 None 无 There is no audible alarm condition or the audible alarm has not been silenced. 没有声音告警,或者声音告警没有被静音; CRITICAL On 亮 Red 红 One or more critical alarms exist on the chassis. 机框存在一个或多个严重告警; Off 灭 MAJOR On 亮 Off 灭 MINOR On 亮 Off 灭
None 无 Red 红 None 无 Red 红 None 无 No critical alarm exists on the chassis. 机框没有严重告警; One or more major alarms exist on the chassis. 机框存在一个或多个主要告警; No major alarm exists on the chassis. 机框没有主要告警; One or more mino alarms exist on the chassis. 机框存在一个或多个次要告警; No minor alarm exists on the chassis. 机框没有次要告警; 4.Equipment LEDs on Controller Cards(控制卡设备指示灯) Label 名称 FAIL Activity 有效状态 On 亮 Off 灭 ACTIVE On 亮 Green 绿 Color 颜色 Red 红 None Description 描述 A failure exists on the controller card.1 控制卡存在一个故障; No failure exists on the controller card. 控制卡没有故障; This controller card is active and is providing or capable of providing service. 控制卡处于主用状态,功能可用 Off 灭 None This controller card is either on standby (the STDBY LED is lit) or has failed (the FAIL LED is lit). 控制卡工作在备用状态或者卡有故障(FAIL灯亮); STDBY On Yellow his controller card is the standby controller for the system. 控制卡处于备用状态; 亮 黄 Off 灭 None This controller card is either the active controller for the system (the ACTIVE LED is lit) or has failed (the FAIL LED is lit). 控制卡处于主用状态(active 指示灯亮)或者卡故障(fail 指示灯亮); CF卡指示灯
ACTIVE Blinking Green The external-storage device in the slot in the active controller card is being read or written 闪烁 绿 主用控制卡上的外部存贮器CF卡正处于被读或被写状态; Off 灭 None 无 No read or write operation on the external storage device is in progress. 外部存贮器目前处于非读写状态 FAIL Blinking 闪烁 Red 红 Standby controller is being synchronized with the active controller. 表示主备控制卡数据库正在进行同步
5.Equipment LEDs on Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Cards(四端口GE卡设备状态指示灯):
Label 名称 FAIL Activity 有效状态 On 亮 Off 灭 ACTIVE On 亮 Green 绿 Color 颜色 Red 红 None Description 描述 A failure exists on the card. 卡有故障 No failure exists on the card. 卡正常 This card is active. 卡处于工作状态