
Unit7. The unknown world 课前小测: 单项选择:

1. I wan to be a(n) ____________and fly to space when I grow up. A. actor B.astronaut C.pilot

2. To ________means to find or to learn about something for the first time. A,discover B.visit C.collect

3. -----Would you please pass me the _______ ? I want to eat beef steak.

A. scissors B.knife C.cup

4. ----A big dog suddenly ran to Lily, and she probably felt _____________. ......I think so.

A. comfortable B.frightened C.noisy

5. -----At camp ,everybody takes a ___________and they sleep in it. ......But it’s not easy for them to take such a heavy one. A. feather B.jacket C.tent

6. -----This area is a great place for a _________ because it is large and flat. ----- Good idea.

A.comic strip B.life jacket C.landing site 完成句子。

1. 中国因为长城而出名。

China __________ _________ _________the Great Wall. 2. 他不敢夜间出去。

She is _______ ________ _______ _________at night. 3. 我想知道他为什么上学迟到。

I _______ _________he was late ________school. 4. 他拒绝在圣诞节那天和我们去购物。

He _____ _______ _______ _______with us on Christmas Day. 5. 我们的老师对我们的出色表现很满意。

Our teacher ______ ______ _____ our wonderful performance. ★单词★

knife (复数)____________

unknown (反义词)__________(动词)____________ loud (副词)_________________ discover ( 名词)___________________ terrible (副词)________同义词________ explain (名词)_____________________

please (形容词)___________ 名词______________________

frighten (形容词人)____________( 形容物)____________________ safe ( 名词)_____________ (副词)_______________________ mark (同义词)__________ creature (同义词)________________ 语法填空

There are some ___________(knife) on the table.

Though he is an________________(known)actor,he acts very well. She refused __________(go) to Tom’s birthday party. Unluckily her car ____________(damage) in the accident.

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My teacher was very _____________(please) with my job. Lily was so ____________ (frighten) that she couldn’t move.

My father shouted ________________(loud) at me because I didn’t pass the exam. The students left dirty __________(mark) on the wall. Jim agreed _______________(help) me to carry the desk.

Don’t worry .The children are quiet ________________(safety) here. ★同义短语★

1.Let’s get into an unknown world. be known for = be famous for be known as = be famous as 2.The children ran away in fear. in fear = feel afraid 3. I wonder what it means wonder = want to know 4.The children were frightened. frighten = scared =feel afraid

5. Tina mentioned it to her brother Tom. mention sth to sb = talk about 6.I’m very pleased to hear from you. pleased = happy = glad = satisfied hear from = receive a letter from

6. It discovered them and made a terrible noise. discover = found 7.I refuse to believe you.

refuse = say “no”=disagree

8.Another alien appeared from the bushes. Appear = show up = come along 同义词替换

1. I wonder why you are always late for school . A. know B.find C.want to know 2. Dogs and pandas are my favourite creatures. A. colors B.living things C.books 3. She disagreed to have a picnic with us. A. agreed B.wanted C.refused

4. Did you receive a letter from your father yesterday ? A. write B.answer C.get

5. Another alien appeared from the bushes in front of them. A. showed up B.got to C.flew away 6. The woman’s identity remains unknown . A. not known or identified B.famous C.common 7. Speak loudly enough so that everyone can hear you . A. such that B.in order that C.although 8. His lost bike was discovered at the bus stop. A. bought B.borrowed C.found

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9. The children ran away in fear . A. feeling tired B.feeling happy C.feeling afraid 10. The children spread their wings and flew to school together. A. opened ......outwards B.put......together C.folded 11. We felt very pleased to see you here . A. happy B.sad C.angry

12. I refuse to believe to believe you because you always tell lies. A. say”yes” B.agree C.say”no”

13. Dad looked at the piece of paper with the strange marks on it . A. signs B.pictures C.photos 14. I received your letter of November 8 . A. got B.reached C.arrived 15. I wonder if you are free this evening. A. doubt B.want to know C.think 16. She mentioned the film she saw just now. A. talked about B.thought about C.complaint about. 17. This place is known for its wine counties. A. popular B.welcome C.famous

18. Suddenly, there was a huge lighting .The children were all frightened. A. frightening B.brave C.scared 19. ----The strong wind damaged some houses. ......Bad news.

A. kept ...safe B.destroyed C.kept...quiet

20. The thing in the bowl looks terrible, and I don't want to see it again. A. happy B. exiting C. unpleasant D. interesting 短语

keep quiet _________ learn about _________

because of _________ believe in _________ in fear _________ such as _________

run away _________ as soon as possible _________ agree with _________ disagree with _________ look out of _________ dive towards ____________ 课文知识点:

1.Do you believe in aliens?你相信外星人吗? believe in 意为“信任,相信” 这位女孩信任她的好朋友。

The girl_______ _______her good friend. 辨析:believe in sb.与believe sb.

Believe in sb. 信任某人 I believe in him very much.我非常信任他 Believe sb. 相信某人(所说的话是真的) I believe him.我相信他说的话 一言辨异:She believes him,but she can’t believe in him. 2.We received some messages from aliens about ten years ago. 大约十年前,我们收到了一些来自外星人的信息. receive v. 意为“收到”

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