unit1 learning about language 素材-精选教学文档

Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gained


1. venture vt. & vi. 冒险;敢于去。。。。。。 n. 冒险行动;商业冒险,投机

Don’t venture too near the edge of the well; you might fall in.别冒险太靠近水井,那样你会掉进去的。

He failed in his ventures.他投机失败了。 2. strengthen vt. & vi. 加强、巩固;变强

The wind strengthened during the night.夜晚,风吹得更大了。

3. bear n.熊、粗鲁的人、笨拙的人;vt. & vi. 负担、忍受、佩带、经得起、生育 She is nice but her husband is such a bear that nobody likes him.她很好,可是她丈夫非常粗鲁,没有人喜欢他。

The sound of music was borne on the wind.音乐声随风飘扬。

She bore (has borne) her husband 5 children.她给她丈夫生了5个孩子。 注:bear过去分词是borne和born,born只有在were/was born短语中。比如: I was born in Beijing in May.

4. delay vt. & vi.; n. (使)耽搁、推迟、延误 Don’t delay; act today.别拖延,今天就开始行动。

We decided to delay (going on) our holiday until next month. 5. crush vt. & vi. n. 压碎、弄皱、拥抱;塞、使挤入 This material doesn’t crush.这种料子不会打皱的。

The young mother crushes the baby into her breast 那年轻的妈妈把孩子紧紧地抱在怀里。

6. rank n. vt. & vi. 排、横列、把.....分等/评级;adj.繁茂、过于肥沃的、腥臭的

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Each rank has a name.每一个等级都有名称。

Taxis stand in a (taxi) rank waiting to be hired.出租车排成一列等候乘客。 Cut the rank grass.把这些繁茂的青草割掉。 7. select vt. & vi. adj. 挑选、选择、精选的

Most of the delegates to the conference are selected from advanced workers.大多数与会代表是从先进工作者中挑选出来的。

8. collect vt. & vi. 收集、采集、集中、接走、堆积

I tried to collect my thoughts but was too excited.我试图集中思想,可是太激动了。 She’ll come around to collect her son.她会来接她儿子的。 9. swear vt. & vi. n. 宣誓、发誓、骂;誓言、骂人的话 He swore to obey.他发誓要遵守规矩。

10. freeze vt. & vi. n. (使)结冰、凝固、感到极冷、严寒期 Fresh water freeze at 0°C.淡水在零度结冰。 The road is frozen hard.路上的冰结得很厚。 11. gratitude n. 感激、感恩、感谢

She showed me her gratitude by inviting me to dinner. He sent me some flowers out of gratitude. 12. rarely adv. 稀少、不平凡地、极好地

Rarely have I seen such a rarely beautiful sunset.请比较:I have rarely seen…我很稀少看到这么美丽的日落。

13. long adj. adv. n. vi. 长的、长期(地)、渴望(for)

He is taking a long time to get there.他花了很长时间才到达那里。 I can’t wait much longer.我不能等太久。

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Children are longing for the Spring Festival.孩子们渴望春节的来临。 14. tear n. vt. & vi. 眼泪、撕开、撕拽、扯

The little boy burst into tears when the sweets were taken away from in front of him.当有人把糖从他面前拿走时,那小孩子放声大哭起来了。

This material tears easily, so be careful when you wear it.这布料很容易撕裂,你穿时要小心。

15. struggle n. vi. 斗争、奋斗、努力、挣扎

With a struggle, he controlled his feelings.他努力控制住自己的感情。

He struggled to the surface as the water dragged him down.当水把他往下拽的时候,他挣扎着浮到水面上来。


1. set out 出发、开始、装饰、宣布、陈述、移植、设计

He set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part.他开始粉刷整个屋子,可是才刷完前面的那部分。

The wall was set out with pictures.这墙上被用画字装饰着。

真题:It’s ten years since the scientist ____ on his life’s work of discovering the valuable chemical.(江苏)

A. made for B. set out C. took off D. turned up

解析:此句意思是:自从那位科学家“开始”工作至今有十年时间了。故选B。 2. give way to 给……让路、屈服撤退、跨掉 Don’t give way to grief.不要过度悲伤。

The barren land has given way to green vegetation.不毛之地已盖满葱绿的作物。 3. give off 发出(液体、气味、蒸汽、光等)

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