

1. Enable the students to grasp the usages of such important new words and expressions as religion, danger, culture, gain, award, look forward to, as thought, take place, etc. 2. Get students to understand some difficult and long sentences.

3. Enable students to learn the adverbial clause introduced by as though and take place

IV. 教学过程

一:New words and Expressions

take place 为不及物动词短语,无被动语态,无进行时,指事先计划或预想到的事情的发生。 When did their quarrel take place?

Our school sports meeting will take place next Friday.

【辨析】:take place指事情有计划地发生;happen指事情偶然的发生,常带有未能预见的

意思;另外,happen还有“碰巧”之意;break out指火灾、战争或瘟疫的突然爆发。 【拓展】Take one’s place 就座;代替某人 Take the place of 代替 In place of …代替

In place 在适当的位置;适合 2.harvest n.&v.收获;收割

Farmers are extremely busy during the harvest. Farmers are busy harvesting crops in the fields. 3.starve vi.&vt.(使)饿死;饿得要死 The lady is starving herself trying to lose weight. They tried to starve the army to give in. They got lost in the desert and starved to death. 【拓展】

1)starve for sth 渴望获得某物,缺乏 The homeless children are starving for love. 2) 感觉很饿(仅用于进行时) When will the dinner be ready? I’m starving. Starvation (n.) 饿死 Eg. Die of starvation

Starvation wages 不够维持基本生活的工资 4.origin n.起源;开端

Some Japanese words are of Chinese origin. 【搭配】:The origin of civilization 文明的起源 The origin of the human race 人类的起源 5.in memory of 纪念;追念 (一般指对死者的纪念) This library was built in memory of Lu Xun. 6.dress up 盛装;打扮

She dressed up as a lawyer.

We dressed up for our friends’ wedding.

The whole family are dressing up the Christmas tree. 7.trick n. 玩笑;戏法 Play a trick on 捉弄某人

The naughty boy loves playing tricks on others. 8. arrival n. 到达,抵达

On one’s arrival/on arriving 一到达……

On our arrival at the farm, we were warmly welcomed by the farmers. He was rushed to the hospital but he was dead on arrival. 9. gain vt. 获得,得到 Gain a reputation 获得声望

Gain weight/speed/height 增加体重、速度、高度 Gain time 赢得时间 He has gained a lot of friends.

Within two weeks , she gained five pounds in weight. 10.gather vt.&vi. 搜集;集合;聚集 Gather speed 加快速度 Gather experience 积累经验 Gather flesh 长肉 The truck gathered speed.

On Fridays the men gather together at the club. The farmers are gathering (in) crops in the fields. 11.award n.奖;奖品;vt.授予;判定

She won the best actress award in the 12th Film Festival. 她在第十二届电影节上或最佳女演员奖。学&科网 He was awarded the first prize for being the best singer.

The university awarded her a scholarship.大学给她颁发了奖学金。 12.admire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕 【拓展】

Admire oneself 自我欣赏

Admire sb. for sth. 因某事钦佩或羡慕某人 Admire sb. sth. 钦佩某人的某方面 We stopped to admire the view.

Stop looking in the mirror admiring yourself.

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