PEP人教版四年级英语上册期中测试卷 (含听力材料)


Part One Listening (第一部分听力) 60%

一、 Listen and number.(听音标号,把数字写在图片右下角的方框中)12%

二、 Listen and choose.(听音选择,根据录音在字母上打勾)12%

(编辑注:Let's do部分在教材中为非考查内容)

三、 Listen and write the numbers.(听音写数字)10%

四、 Listen and tick or cross.(听音,“√”或“×”)12%

五、Listen and circle.(听录音,圈出句子中所包含的单词)8%

1. window board picture computer 2. twenty-one thirty-one fourteen forty 3. music sports painting science 4. strong quiet long hair short hair

六、Listen and choose.(听录音,选择合适的答句)6%

( ) 1. A. It's near the window. B. Wow! It's big and nice. ( ) 2. A. It's black and white. B. I have twenty-three. ( ) 3. A. Her name is Amy. B. His name is Zhang Peng.

Part Two Reading and Writing (第二部分笔试)40%

七、Look and write. (在四线格上正确书写所给字母的小写或大写) 10%

八、Look and write. (看图根据提示写单词。) 10%


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