高二英语人教版选修7习题:Unit 2 section 3含答案

Unit 2 Section Ⅲ

Ⅰ.单词拼写导学号 96554147

1.The classmates discriminated against him because of his parents' __divorce__(离婚). 2.He is famous not only for his __talent__(才能) but (also) for his kindness. 3.Nevertheless, he showed great __affection__(感情) and devotion to his master. 4.They look at the house and __assess__(估算)its market value.

5.The president was so young that he was __junior__(年龄小)to some of his employees. 6.We put our work __aside__(在一边)and listened to him. 7.Your plan is __bound__(一定的)to succeed.

8.I was deeply struck with the __grand__(雄伟的)view of the falls. 9.The Prime Minister s__tated__ that he would visit Canada the next year. 10.He told me to keep my word and I o__beyed__. Ⅱ.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空导学号 96554148

set aside, in all, be bound to, be junior to, have a talent for, get a divorce from, have an affection for, take... seriously, as long as, as if 1.______As long as__ we work together, we can make the impossible possible. 2.It is reported that the weather __is bound to__ get better tomorrow, so we will have a picnic.

3.You'd better __set aside__ some money for your old age, or you'll be in trouble. 4.The hall was crowded with people.It is said that 5,000 people __in all__ attended the conference.

5.Tom married Mary, who __is junior to__ him by 18 years. 6.Those who don't __take__ study __seriously__ will regret for what they have done. 7.To his parents' satisfaction, the young man __has a talent for__ singing. 8.Being brought up by his grandfather, the man __has an affection for__him. 9.He was in hospital for six months.He felt __as if__ he were cut off from the outside world. 10.Lucy __got a divorce from__ her husband two years ago and now she has adapted to living alone.


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