


一、 用英语写出下面数字。(6分)

3 5 10

12 15 20


( )1.A.country B. the USA C. China ( ) 2. A. friend B. called C. bird ( ) 3. A. know B. right C. speak

( ) 4.A. London B. capital C. Washington D.C. ( ) 5.A. south B. east C. left ( ) 6. A. better B. good C. taller ( ) 7.A.beautiful B. river C. famous ( ) 8.A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. today 三、根据句意,选择合适的单词填空。(5分) at on to for in 1. It’s _______ the frist floor. 2. It’s time _____ lunch. 3.Go ______ the teacher’s office. 4.Look ______ the picture. 5. Draw _______ the art room.

四、看图,从框内选择正确的形容词,填空。 (10



1 2 3 4 5

cheap long big cool tall

1. This book costs 1 Yuan, it’s _________

2. This planet is far from the sun, it’s _______ 3. This snake is very___________ 4. This elephant is very________ 5. He is very __________ 五、请选择填空。(10分) ( )1.You ____ a very good class.

A. is B. am C. are

( )2.Don’t____ ball games here!

A. plays B. playing C. play ( )3.This TV ____ one thousand yuan.

A. costs B. cost C. costing

( )4. I___to a concert yesterday.

A. go B. went C. goes

( ) 5. My mum and dad played___the concert.

A. to B. on C. in

( ) 6. Let’s make ____English newspaper!

A. a B. an C. X

( ) 7. An erhu __like a violin.

A. look B. looked C. looks

( ) 8. Do you want to listen ___music?

A .to B. with C. in

( ) 9. Was it a Chinese music? Yes, it _____. A. is B. does C. was

( )10. Once upon a time, the boy looked ___sheep.

A. on B. after C. at


六、给图片选择相应的句子,把序号写在( )里。(16分) 1. Yesterday ,Mr Smart cooked noodles ..

2. Look at the man on the bicycle .He was English .

3. Hello. I’m from England .I’m English . 4. Yesterday John ate twenty sweets . 5. She came from Chinese .She’s Chinese . 6. Chinese people invented printing .

7. She is from Mexico .She likes traditional Mexican dancing . 8 . Amy is painting a picture .

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 七、选择答语,把正确序号填到方框内。(10分)

1.Where will you go? A Because they are cute 2.Why do you love kangaroos? B Yes, she does

3.Does she live in New York? C He is going to write the reports 4.What is he going to do? D It’s in the south of China 5.Where is Hangzhou? E I will go to London

1 2 3 4 5 八、根据提示补全句子,使句意完整。(17分) 1.He’s_________ __________. (画花) 2.It’s _______ _________. ( 非常热 )

3.New York _______ _____ _______ __________.( 在东部 )


4. Let’s _______ _______ _______ _______ this Saturday! (举行一个班会) 5. Kangaroos ______ _______ (住在)

6. This computer______ ___________.(漂亮)

1.painting flowers 2. very hot. 3.is in the east 4. have a class party 5. live in Australia 6. is beautiful.


John, Jack and Kate are brothers and sister. They all study in a primary school. John is in Grade Three. Jack is in Grade One. Kate is in Grade Two. They study hard. They are now studying Chinese. They have lunch at school. They often go home at four thirty. Sometimes they go home at five. Their father and mother are both teachers. They teach English. They work in a middle school. ( )1.Kate has one brother.

( ) 2. They all study in a primary school. ( ) 3. They have lunch at home. ( ) 4. They often go home at four .

( ) 5. Their father and mother are both English teachers. ( ) 6. They work in a middle school.



一、three five ten twelve fifteen twenty 二、1—8 ABBBCBBC

三、1.on 2.for 3.to 4.at 5.in 四、1.cheap 2.cool 3long 4.big 5.tall 五、1—5 C C A B C 6—10 BC A CB 六、5723 4681 七、1—5 EABCD

八、1.He’s painting flowers. 2.It’s very hot.

3.New York is in the east.

4. Let’s have a class party this Saturday! 5. Kangaroos live in Australia.

6. It costs one thousand eight hundred yuan. 7. This computer is beautiful. 九、1—6 F T F F T T


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