
——参考范本—— 【资格考试】2019最新整理-GRE词汇考试试题测试——填空题(1) ______年______月______日 ____________________部门 1 / 4 1. A common argument claims that in folk art, the artist's subordination of technical mastery to intense feeling______the direct communication of emotion to the viewer. (A) facilitates (B) averts (C) neutralizes (D) implies (E) represses 2. A good doctor knows that knowledge about medicine will continue to ______and that, therefore, formal professional training can never be an _______ guide to good practice. (A) vary.. adaptable (B) change.. absolute (C) ossify.. inflexible (D) pertain.. invaluable (E) intensify.. obsolescent 3. A human being is quite _______ creature, for the gloss of rationality that covers his or her fears and _______ is thin and often easily breached. (A) a logical.. problems (B) a frail.. insecurity 2 / 4 (C) a valiant.. phobias (D) an ambitious.. morality (E) a ludicrous.. laughter 4. A leading chemist believes that many scientists have difficulty with stereochemistry because much of the relevant nomenclature is______, in that it combines concepts that should be kept______. (A) obscure.. interrelated (B) specialized.. intact (C) subtle.. inviolate (D) descriptive.. separate (E) imprecise.. discrete 5. A major goal of law, to deter potential criminals by punishing wrongdoers, is not served when the penalty is so seldom invoked that it______to be a ______threat. (A) tends.. serious (B) appears.. real (C) ceases.. credible (D) fails.. deceptive (E) seems.. coercive 6. A misconception frequently held by novice writers is that sentence structure mirrors thought: the more convoluted the structure, the more _______ the ideas. (A) complicated 3 / 4

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