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We know saving money is hard! But it’s not __1__, especially if you set goals(目标) for yourself.

When you set goals, think about the two matters: what you want to spend your money on now, and what you want to __2__ it for later. Then divide your goals into two kinds according to the __3__ you need the money. One is a short-term goal. It takes a shorter time, like a few__4__ or even shorter. If you have a short-term saving goal, it means you ___5__ to have enough money for the thing you want within that time. The other is a long-term goal. It takes longer, perhaps several months or ___6__ years, because the thing you want is more ___7__. For example, you may want to buy a car when you are finally old enough to drive, or you may plan a family __8__ to Disneyland or Hawaii or other places of interest.

So how can you ___9___ your saving goals? The following __10__can help you. First, save some money __11___ you get paid. That doesn’t mean putting all your money in the bank to save it. If you want to save more money, you can reduce (make sth smaller in amount(数量)) the cost of junk food like hamburgers. Soon you’ll have an amazing amount of change! Also you should keep records of your income(收入) and your cost. That way you can __12___ how long it will take to save for things you really want. Lastly, only buy what you can ___13___ and what is really worth buying. It’s much __14__ to have money in the bank than a lot of expensive jeans you don't ___15__ need.

Then you have known how to manage (管理) your own money. When looking at the money you save, you will feel proud and have a sense of achievement. 1. A. reusable B. available C. believable D.


2. A. control B. waste C. collect D.


3. A. energy B. time C. order D.


4. A. hours B. weeks C. months D.


5. A. lead B. promise C. hope D.


6. A. even B. already C. still

D. almost

7. A. important B. necessary C. expensive D. popular 8. A. game B. party C. meal D.



9. A. reach B. make C. understand D.


10. A. stories B. signs C. suggestions D.


11. A. before B. when C. where D.


12. A. think of B. find out C. watch out D.

dream about

13. A. afford B. enjoy C. value D.


14. A. easier B. funnier C. better D.


15. A. luckily B. nearly C. gradually D.




Camping has a long history in Australia. Most Australians love camping in the holiday. The country has a long history about it, which is a way of life for people in that country. Although that way of life has mostly died out in the modern country, we must take care to remember it.

There is a long tradition. When gold was first discovered and people came from around the world to find their fortune(运气), many could not afford to stay in a hotel. Even if they wanted to, there weren't enough hotels. So they all brought tents and set them up next to their little goldfield. Many people alive in Australia today are born from those people who spent large parts of their lives in tents. And it seems to have stayed with us all the way to modern Australia.

In summer, the nation’s camping grounds are covered with families on holiday. It is a great experience for a kid to stay in a tent. He or she can hear all the sounds of nature in the tent. It’s a place where kids can learn skills like making a fire, cooking and swimming in the water. These experiences can be used for their whole lives. So, you can see it’s always the whole family to go out to the camping grounds and stay in a tent.

Of course, things have changed a lot from the early days of camping, when you would carry everything needed on your back. Now there are all kinds of tools to take with you, from solar panels(太阳能板) for your electric products to an outdoor shower. They make the camping life more colorful. In fact, many camping grounds you see around the country are so decorated(装饰的)that you have to wonder why those Australians aren't bored to leave the house at all. 16. The second paragraph mainly tells us about_____. A. the history of camping in Australia

B. what the first visitors did in Australia C. the hotel situations in Australia D. Australian’s modern way of life


17. What do Australians prefer to do when summer comes? A. To go fishing.

B. To make tents by themselves. C. To go camping.

D. To listen to nature.

18. We can learn from the passage that_____. A. solar panels are necessary for camping B. things have changed a lot about camping C. there are lots of goldfields in Australia D. camping has already died out nowadays 19. What is the best title for the passage? A. The history of Australia. B. The tradition of Australia. C. Traveling in Australia. D. Camping in Australia.


Saalumrada Thimmakka, an uneducated woman who, along with her late husband, planted and cared for 384 banyan trees(榕树) in her hometown of HUlikal village, Inida. Now she is 104 years old. And she lives on to tell the story.

When Thimmakka was a young girl, she married a farmer named CHikkaiah and together they made a living by farming. The couple remained childless for many years. But instead of losing themselves in self-pity, they decided to make the best of their situation. “One day, we thought why not plant trees and take care of them like our children,” Thimmakka said.

They started by grafting(嫁接) 10 saplings(树苗) from the banyan trees that grew in their village. They planted those saplings on an empty land about four kilometers from the village. There wasn't any water in the area, so they carried water all the way to water the trees every single day. They protected the

saplings from bad weather and animals, until they took root(根). The next year, they planted 15 more saplings, 20 the year after that, and kept going until they planted a total of 384 trees, which are worth about 1.5 million dollars now. Today, the trees have grown up into a forest. The forest is between the villages of Hulikal and Kudoor, about 80 kilometers away from the state capital of Bangalore. Unluckily, her husband died in 1991, but Thimmakka has won several state and national prizes, including the National Citizen’s Award in 1995 and the Godfrey Phillips Bravery Award in 2006. She has been highly spoken of(赞扬) by governments and environmental organizations. However, she still lives a very poor life. She owns a simple three-room house.

Though she is old, Thimmakka is still active in making a difference. “I have been hoping to start a hospital, but no one seems interested,” she said. “Although it is hard for me, I will keep trying. I do believe my dream will be realized if I stick to(坚持) it.”

20. How did Thimmakka and her husband make a living after they married? A. By farming.


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