英 语 试 卷
本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(客观题)和第Ⅱ卷(主观题)两部分。 试卷共11页,卷面满分120分。考试用时120分钟。
在答题卡上。同时,将条形码贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。 2.?全部答案必须在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。
第 Ⅰ 卷
第一部分 听力 (共两节,20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
第一节:听独白或对话(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听第1段对话,回答第1~3题。 1. When did she first see them? A. This morning. B. Yesterday. C. Some days ago.
2. What did the man ask the woman to do? A. Describe the item she wanted. B. Check all the kitchenware in stock.
C. Have a look at the window display. 3. How might the woman feel in the end? A. Disappointed. B. Excited. C. Surprised.
4. Why does the man wish to break up with his girlfriend? A. She is not as pretty as she once was. B. They don’t get along well. C. He will move soon.
5. What does the woman think of the matter? A. The man should not take the job. B. The man might be reasonable.
C. The man should maintain this relationship.
6. How does the man think his girlfriend will feel at his decision? A. Sad.
B. Calm. C. Happy.
7. What did the man ask the woman to do? A. Take a break. B. Show him the photos. C. Take more pictures. 8. Why did the man complain?
A. The beach was dirty.
B. There were no pictures of him. C. The weather was bad.
9. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The woman is very