


1.(2018?陕西)Since my mother moved to live with us in the city, she has been much heavier than before.As time went by, her health got(1) . So I had to take her to see a (2) . My mother was told to lose weight by doing exercise every day. She had no choice but to follow(3) the doctor said.I told her that I would exercise with her every morning.

On the first morning, she got up very early(4) ran with me in our neighborhood. I tried to run slowly so that she could follow me. After(5) for some minutes, I told her the proper ways of exercise and the importance of eating healthy food. She listened to me carefully. It made me(6) that she told me everything very patiently when I was a kid. On the second morning, I praised her for keeping running with me.

But after two weeks, she wanted to(7) running because she thought the two﹣week exercise didn't work at all. To encourage her, I taught her how to use the facilities(设施) for exercise in our(8) . She began to exercise again.

With my help, it(9) her one month to develop a good habit of daily exercise. \,my dear daughter. Exercise brings health and happiness to me. I will(10) worry about my health. \deeply. I felt happy to make a big difference to my mother's life.\ (1)A.worse (2)A.teacher (3)A.that (4)A.so (5)A.swimming (6)A.act (7)A.put up

B.thinner B.waiter B.what B.but B.eating B.expect B.give up

C.better C.nurse C.which C.and C.playing C.forget C.set up

D.stronger D.doctor D.where D.or D.running D.remember D.eat up


(8)A.school (9)A.took (10)A.always

B.neighborhood B.spent B.ever

C.hospital C.cost C.never

D.cinema D.paid D.sometimes

2.(2018?长沙)When I was fifteen years old, I became very interested in shopping. After a while being just a

buyer, I wanted to(1) something. I had many things that I no longer needed at home. I knew with the help of my father I could make money. So for months and months I(2) myself by selling things on my dad's bank account(账户).

On July 18th, 2015, I made my own account and began to start my own (3) . Things were going great and then I realized that selling things around the house wasn't (4) for me, so I decided to expand (拓展)my business by running a re﹣sale shop. I went around to the yard sales and bought things at low prices and sold them at(5) prices to make money.

Last October. I went to a yard sale that was a little bit different. A lady had many nice things

to sell. I went up to her and had a (6) with her. Through the communication, I knew she was jobless at that moment and needed money to feed her family. I thought I could do it better and more quickly for her. So I made a decision to help her out. She looked at me for a while and then said(7) . After that I took away some of her things and over the next month I made ¥1,500for her! When I gave her the money, she broke down into tears(眼泪) (8) .

I have never felt so (9) to help someone in my life. I know my skills could be used to help those in need and that even one small act of kindness could (10) .

(1)A. buy (2)A. annoyed (3)A. business

B.sell B. enjoyed B. holiday 第2页(共185页) C.produce C. punished C. education

(4)A. familiar (5)A. higher (6)A. competition (7)A. no (8)A. peacefully (9)A. worried (10)A.make a difference B. helpful B. lower B. fight B. yes B. regretfully B. stressed B. make a mess C. enough C. half C. conversation C. sorry C. thankfully C. pleased C. make a mistake 3.(2018?扬州)One afternoon a few months after Tom and I were married. Max walked into the dining room, where I was looking through my old photos. These months I was learning to let Max come (1) on his own. If I moved too quickly, he ran away. If I was(2) , we often ended up playing, laughing, and recently, even sitting together on the sofa with a book. \?\.

\. I suppose she is your(3) Sylvia.\ \. Who is that to me?\

\. He died a few months ago.\ \. Too bad he had to die.\

Death is always a painful(4) ,especially for a seven﹣year﹣old child who'd lost his mother only two years before. I secretly put away the pictures of(5) relatives.

He began to finger through the photos. \?

Under his finger I could see my own face. I should have known the answer to his(6) question. But I said, \(7) mom. I' m sorry that your first mom died.\

\?\. Mom, I wanted to cry. I held back.

\. (8) feels OK for you.\ I waited, expecting a pronouncement of my new(9) . \,\, walking out of the room.


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