英语必修三Unit 1 练习题

Unit 1 Festivals around the world


1.As the storm drew nearer, black clouds were________over the sky.

A.smoothing C.gathering

B.disappearing D.picking

解析 smooth使平整;使光滑;disappear消失;gather聚集;pick选择;挑选。句意:随着暴风雨的来临,乌云在天空聚集起来。 答案 C

2.The news shocked the public,______to great concern about students’ safety at school.

A.having led C.leading

B.led D.to lead

解析 考查非谓语动词。句意:这个消息震惊了社会,引起了公众对在校学生安全的极大担忧。此处为非谓语动词作结果状语。主语与lead是主动关系,故排除过去分词led;而having led表示动作发生在shocked之前,不合逻辑,故排除;不定式to lead 表示出乎意料的结果,而现在分词表示自然的结果,故选leading。 答案 C

3.Kathy________some French while she was away on a business trip in France.

A.picked up C.made up

B.took up D.turned up

解析 考查动词短语的辨析。pick up拾起;捡起;无意中学会;take up开始从事;make up 弥补;编造;turn up 出现;调大音量。句意:Kathy在去法国出差时学会了一些法语。 答案 A

4.It is________that he has been addicted to the drugs and has difficulty quitting it.

A.obviously C.possibly

B.apparently D.likely

解析 考查句型的搭配。It's likely that 从句“有可能干某事”。 答案 D

5.In our childhood,we were often ______ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.

A.demanded C.allowed

B.reminded D.hoped


解析 句意:在我们的童年时期,奶奶经常提醒我们注意餐桌礼仪。remind sb.to do sth.表示“提醒某人做某事”,这里用其被动形式。 答案 B

6.Some students find it hard to________the new teacher's dialect.

A.take in

B.take up D.take on

C.take over

解析 考查动词短语的辨析。take in 吸收;理解;take up 开始从事;take over 掌管;接管;take on呈现。句意:一些学生发现很难理解新老师的方言。 答案 A

7.He________into the bad habit of stopping off at the corner saloon each night on his way home from work. A.caught




解析 get into the habit of表示“养成??的习惯”,为固定短语;如用form,应使用form the habit of结构;stop off中途下车。 答案 C

8.I______along the street looking for a place to park when the accident______.

A.went;was occurring C.was going;occurred


D.was going;had occurred

解析 句意:我沿着街道找停车位,这时发生了事故。occur是瞬间动词,此处不用进行时,可排除A项;且沿街行车与车祸几乎是同时发生,可排除D项;车祸发生时,车是在行进中,因此C项最佳。此处是when(这时,突然)句式之一。 答案 C

9.—It is very hot in Chongqing.Would you like some water?

—________.I want to,but I want to save it for another one who needs it. A.Yes,please C.Nothing more

B.No,thank you

D.I'd like some

解析 根据答语中的I want to,but I want to save it for another one who needs it.可知想喝水,但是想留给别人喝。No,thank you.表示不要了,并表示感谢。 答案 B

10.—How long do you think it will be________the country sends a manned spaceship to the moon?

—Perhaps two or three years. A.when




解析 before表示“在??之前”。根据答语Perhaps two or three years.可判断出


这个国家向月球发射载人宇宙飞船之前可能要两年或三年的时间。 答案 D

11.—Mum,may I go to the concert with Tom tonight?

—No,you________.Because it will be stormy. A.needn't C.mustn't

B.don't have to D.shouldn't

解析 考查情态动词。mustn't表示“禁止,不允许”,可根据后面的“Because it will be stormy.”判断。 答案 C

12.—Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?

—______.Ours is much stronger than theirs. A.Of course C.Don’t mention it

B.It depends D.By no means

解析 句意:——你认为他们的乒乓球队在即将到来的亚运会上会获得第一名吗?——决不会。我们队比他们队要强大得多。of course当然可以;it depends 看情况而定;don’t mention it 别客气;by no means决不。 答案 D

13.They have sent some books and magazines to the countryside because children there are starving________knowledge. A.to




解析 考查介词。starve for...意为“渴望??;急需??”。句意:他们把一些书和杂志送到农村,因为那里的孩子们渴望知识。 答案 D

14.—Who do you think I can depend on,Mr Brown?

—Yes.He always________what he says. A.means C.keeps

B.realizes D.promises

解析 考查习惯用语。mean what one says说话算数,相当于keep one's word。 答案 A

15.—May I speak to Mr Smith,please?

—________,please.He is in the next room.I will go and get him. A.Hang up C.Take on

B.Hold up D.Hold on


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