


特指双熟悉,上文已提及; 世上独无二,序数最高级; 某些专有名,习语及乐器。


①特指某些人或物。Eg:The book on the desk is very interesting. ②谈话双方都熟悉的人或事。 Eg: Give me the book, please. ③上文已经提到的人或事 。

Eg:I have a new dress,the dress is very beautiful.

④世界上独一无二的事物前 。The earth moves around the sun. ⑤序数词和形容词最高级前,以及对两个人或事物进行比较时起特指作用的比较级前。

The first lesson is very easy. He is the taller of the two boys. ⑥某些由普通名词构成的专有名词前。The great wall,The United States.

⑦一些习惯短语(如:in the day等)中和乐器前(如:play the violin / piano)。

二、不用冠词的集中情况。 下列情况应免冠,代词限定名词前; 专有名词不可数,学科球类三餐饭; 复数名词表泛指,两节星期月份前; 颜色语种和国名,称呼习语及头衔。


①名词前已有作定语用的this、that、some、any、my等限定词。 ②某些专有名词和不可数名词前。 China is a great country. ③表示学科的(如:maths、Chinese、physics)名词前。 We all like English.


⑤复数名词表示泛指(一类人或事)时。 Trains run faster than cars. ⑥节日、季节、星期、月份前。 June 1st is children’s day.

⑦表示颜色(如:It's red / yellow.)、语种(如:speak English/Japanese)和国家的非全称名词(如:We live in China. They come from America.)。

⑧在称呼或表示头衔的名词前。 This is Professor Li. ⑨某些习惯短语中(如:in bed、go to school等) 口诀一冠词用法口诀

三、不定冠词a/an的用法口诀: 不定冠词a和an,单数可数名词前; 辅音若在词首发,词前只把a来加; 元音若在词首放,词前an词不敢忘;

不定冠词很关键,四个所指记心间.(每指、泛指、类指和某指) 某指:基本用法,指人或事物的某一种类。 例:She is a girl.她是女孩。

泛指:泛指某人或某物,但又不具体说明何人何物。 每指:表示“数量”,“有一”“每一”的意思。 例:We have six classes a day.

补充:表示季节、月份、日期、三餐的名词,或表示世上独一无二的物体名词前有形容词修饰时也用不定冠词,Eg: 1、We have a every cold winter last year.

2、This happened on a rain Sunday towards the end of May. 3、 We hope we can see a full moon tonight.



All of a sudden; as a matter of fact; as a result; as a rule; as a whole; at a distance; in a way; in a hurry; in a sense; in a word; do sb. a favour; have a good time; have a word with ; go for a walk; make a difference; make a fool of oneself; make a living; pay a visit to ; take an interest in; tell a lie; a good/wise knowledge of; a danger/threat to sb.; come as a surprise/shock; wish sb. a Merry Christmas…

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