人教版七年级英语上册Unit 6教案


Self-check (Revision)

I.教材分析:这是本单元的最后一部分: Self-check,即本单元的复习部分。这一部分的课本是由以下几部分组成的。

1.Key word check. Check the words you know. 2.Add five new words to your Vocab-builder. 3.Draw the food you like to eat for lunch.

4. Ask your classmates what they like to eat for lunch. Find someone who likes to eat the same lunch as you.

Just for fun! Do you like broccoli?

II.这一部分可分为如下几个步骤进行: Step 1:Review words like this:

Food: chicken hamburgers French fries ice cream Fruit: apples bananas oranges Vegetables: salad carrots tomatoes

Ask the students to remember them and check up.

Step:II. Practise the language topic (P32) Grammar Focus.

Do you like salad? Yes, I do. No, I don’t

Do they like salad? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

Does he/she like salad? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t.

I/They like oranges. I/They don’t like bananas. He/she likes ice cream. He/She doesn’t like bananas. Stop III. Write about what Tom likes to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

For breakfast, Tom likes eggs, oranges, and bananas. For lunch, he likes hamburgers,____________________________________. And for dinner, he likes ______________________________________.

Step IV. Write about what you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Step V. Draw the food you like to eat for lunch.

Step VI. Ask your classmates what they like to eat for lunch. Find someone who likes to eat the same lunch as you.

Step VII Fun (Ask the students to read the dialogue in a strange voice to make more fun)

Step VIII. What you have learned from this Unit. Questions:

Homework: 1. Remember all the words in this Unit. 2. Practise the dialogue in pairs.

3. Finish the exercises about this unit.



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