
中考专项复习 B卷 完成对话





1)先易后难,从对话中先获取最有把握的答案。(固定搭配,常用表达方式等) 2)联系上下文,根据语境推测出答案。 3)根据所学语法知识,进一步确定答案。 3·复读对话, 仔细推敲,确定答案。



初读、确定话题Let’s try to find the topic。 1、成都2008中考

A: Do you ever eat fast food? B: Yes, I do.

A : What kind of fast food do you usually eat?

B: Oh, you know, hamburgers, sandwiches and pizza. A: OK. And how often do you eat fast food?

Every day, more than once a week or 1 than once a week? 2、成都2011中考

Police: Miss Snow, can you tell me what happened to you yesterday evening? Miss Snow: I was attacked (攻击) .

Police: Now, what do you remember about the 1 ? Miss Snow : Well, I was so 2 the whole day yesterday that I couldn't stop my

job for a 3 until I finished it very late in the evening.

3、 成都2014中考

A:I saw the “Two rooms to rent” note on the wall outside your house. Hope I’m coming to a 1 place.

B:Yes, you are. We do have two rooms for rent. You are an office clerk, aren’t you? A:No, I work at a school. How much do you rent them for?

B:No 2 . I need to ask you some questions now. Are you 3 ? A:No.

B:Well, I prefer 4 like you to live with us. 细读对话,初定答案 成都2013中考

T: This morning I nearly forgot the lecture to be held in City Library. I woke up a little late. But the note on the desk me of the lecture. So I had to rush to the bus stop.

J: Did you catch the bus? T: No. I _________ to do so.


( D--David ; N--Nick)

D: My father is a soldier , so he wasn’t at home much. When I was young, I saw him at home. N: Did you miss him?

D: I don't think I . When he was at home, he always made me do things like cleaning my shoes or breakfast. 最后别忘了复读,确定答案。

三、More practice. Let’s try. 成都2010中考

Policeman: Excuse me, madam. Madam: Yes?

P: Would you mind letting me take a (1)_______ in your bag?

M: What? I'm afraid I will (2)______ mind if you do so. Now go away. P: I'm afraid I have to do so. It's my duty in the supermarket, madam. M: Who are you? Go away, (3)______ I will call the police. P: I am a (4)__________. Here is my police card.

M: Really? Do you always look into people's bags if you like?

P: No. I will do so whenever I have a (5)_________ to believe that there is something in your bag that belongs to someone (6)__________. M: What do you mean?

P: Well, perhaps you've got (7)__________ that haven't been paid for in your bag. M: What are you talking about? I'm honest and I won't let you (8)_________ my bag. P: Well, if you are honest, you wouldn't (9)_______, would you? So may I look into your bag, madam? I don't want to do (10)__________ to hurt you.

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