人教版高中英语选修七Unit2 Robots(单元测试)

新课标人教版选修七Unit2 Robots(单元测试)

I.短语翻译(20%) 1 考验_________________

2 不管,别惹,让…一个人待着__________________

3同情某人_________________ 4 转向,回转_________________ 5 打电话给_______________

6 将…放在一边,为…保留/节省_______________

7让某人做某事_________________ 8 被用来做某事_________________ 9更确切地说_________________ 10 陪伴某人去某地_________________ 11设法做成了某事_________________ 12 伸手去够…_________________ 13 在…方面有天赋 _________________ 14 曾经,一度_________________ 15 获得硕士学位_________________ 16认真对待_________________ 17对…印象深刻_______________ _ 18用…做实验,以…尝试_____________ 19提高社会地位 II.单词拼写(20%)

1.When I began to sing, he laughed and made me e_____________. 2. They get ___________(离婚)two years ago.

3. The minister was _________ (陪伴)by his secretary to the US. 4. My sister’s wedding _________(典礼)took place at 12 sharp. 5. I ________(宣布)at the meeting that I did not support him. 6.The only __________(解释)for his behavior is that he’s mad.

7.With the teacher’s help, she s_________ away all the difficulties she had met. 8.My mother was __________(担心的,害怕的) when I fell over. 9.We had an _________(可怕的)earthquake here last year.

10.I don’t think the chair is f_________ enough to stand on. Complete the words according to the initials.

11.When his uncle died, he received many letters and calls of s__________.

12.Tony is s_________the guidebook for information about Hawaii, where he will travel soon. 13.There were strong winds a__________ by heavy rain last night. 14.India d_________independence in 1947.

15.I hope they don’t ask e_________ questions, for I will be e________ at them. 16.They had a d________ that I attend their wedding.

17.Rita couldn’t provide a s_________ excuse for his absence. 18.I am so e__________ of your getting an extra day’s holiday. 19.The rainforest is disappearing at an a___________ rate.

20.They were accused of interfering in China’s internal a________. III.完成句子(10%)

1.It is said that the president has (有风流韵事) a beautiful actress. 2.The door needs_______________(油漆).

3.If you don’t _____ your study_________,(认真对待) you will fail in the coming examination. 4.They looked “the great man” up and down (带着好奇). 5. The farmer tried to _________their crops ________cold.(保护…不被冻坏) 6.She felt _________ (好像)she were floating in the air.

20面部表情 7.He is three years ____________ (比…年纪小)me.

8.You’d better _______ _______ (留出,储存)some money in case of future use.

9.He stared _______ _______ (羡慕地) at Robert’s new car. 10.He’s got _______ _______ (许多) work to do this morning. IV.课文填空(20%)

Tony worked steadily on the (改进). Claire tried to help once but was too

(笨拙的). She (从梯子上摔下来)and even though Tony was in the next room, he (设法、成功地接住)her in time. He held her (稳固地)in his arms and she felt the warmth of his body. She screamed, pushed him away and ran to her home for the rest of the day.

The night of the party arrived. The clock (敲响)eight. The guests would be arriving soon and Claire told Tony to go into another room. At the moment, Tony folded his arms around her, (弯下、低下)his face close to hers. She cried out “Tony” and then (听见他宣称) that he didn’t want to leave her the next day and that he felt (不只) just the desire to please her. Then the front door bell rang. Tony freed her and (从视线中消失). It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains on the front window. Her guests had seen everything!

V. 单项填空(30%)

1.The boss had his workers __________________ all day long. A. working B. work C. worked D. works

2. She had a computer at home, and her parents desired that she ______ all her work at home. A. do B. does C. must do D. would do

3. Don't leave matches or cigarettes on the table within the _____ of little children. A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance 4. At least 100 people lost their lives in the fire, _____ 7 children.

A. contained B. included C. including D. except 5.---Could you tell me where Jim lives?

---________ he used to live next door to me, and now he’s living in another town. A. At a time B. At times C. At time D. At one time 6. He enjoys nothing but _____________ money.

A. make B. to make C. making D. makes 7.We were having lunch when the clock ___________ twelve. A.beat B.struck C.hit D.impressed

8.It was with great joy ___________ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found. A.where B.that C.when D.what

9.How I envy you _____________ an extra day’s holiday. A.getting B.to get C.get D.to getting

10.Harry is ____________my neighbour. He is also a good friend of mine. A.less than B.at least C.at most D.more than

11.All these gifts must be mailed immediately__________ in time for Christmas. A.in order to have received B.in order to receive C.so as to be received D.so as to be receiving

12.They appeared ______________ me, so I had to explain to them. A.misunderstanding B. misunderstood

C.to be misunderstood D.to have misunderstood

13.The happy look on his face _____________ that he had passed the final examination successfully. A.explained B.suggested C.expressed D.described

14.Last week I had my watch __________ and I had my father __________ a new one for me.

A.steal; buying B. stolen; to buy C.stolen; buy D. steal; to buy

15.The mother, an ____ lady dressed in the latest Paris fashion walked behind her son. A. grateful B. considerate C. elegant D. brilliant

16. Preparations are being made for the Olympic Games __________in Beijing in 2008. A. to be held B. held C. holding D. to hold

17. It is not where you come from or what you are, but the ability to do the job _____ matters. A. one B. that C. what D. it 18.He hurried to the station only that the train had left. A. to find B. finding C. found D. to have found 19. The bank is reported in the local newspaper, _____ in broad daylight yesterday. A. being robbed B. having been robbed C. to have been robbed D. robbed

20. (2002年上海春季高考)Is this the reason _____ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained 21. Peter _____ the papers he was marking and reached for his cigarettes and matches. A. set out B. set off C. set in D. set aside 22. —How was your dinner date, dear? —Very nice. A. Much more than I could have imagined B. I can't wait to have it again

C. I could have helped myself to some more D. If only they had served better

23. Many people stood near the bus stop, nervously waiting _____.

A. to pick up B. picking up C. to be picked up D. being picked up 24. (NMET1994)—Do you think it is going to rain over the weekend? —_____. A. I don't believe B. I don't believe it C. I believe not so D. I believe not

25. It is always difficult being in a foreign country, _____ if you don't speak the language. A. extremely B. naturally C. basically D. especially

26. Don't leave matches or cigarettes on the table within the _____ of little children. A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance

27. Not until all the fish died in the river _____ how serious the pollution was. A. did the villagers realize B. the villagers realized C. the villagers did realize D. didn't the villagers realize 28.—I am sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired. —There is no _____ for this while you are on duty.

A. reason B. excuse C. cause D. explanation

29.It was Asimov was eleven years old his talent for writing became obvious. A. that, when B. When, that C. when, when D. when, which 30. (2003年北京高考)—_____ David and Vicky married? —For about 3 years.

A. How long were; being B. How long have;got C. How long have; been D. How long did; get

Keys:Unit2 Robots



2.leave/let alone 6.set aside

3.have/feel sympathy for 7.have sb doing sth

4.turn around

1.test out 5.ring up

8.be used to do sth

9.or rather 10.accompany sb to sp 11.manage to do sth

14.at one time

12.reach for

13.have a talent/gift for 16.take sth. seriously

15.gain a Master’s degree

17.be impressed by 18.experiment with

20.facial expression

19.improve one’s social position II.


1.embarrassed 2.divorced 3.accompanied 4.marriage 5.declared 6.explanation 7.smoothed 8.alarmed 1. sympathy 2. scanning



3. accompanied 4. declared 6. desire 10. affairs

5. embarrassing/ embarrassed 8. envious III.

9. alarming

7. satisfactory/satisfying


3.take seriously 4.with wonder

8.set aside

1.had an affair with 2.painting 5.protect from 9. with envy

6.as if/though 7.junior to/younger than 10.piles of

IV.1-5 AABCD 6-10BBBAD 11-15CDBCC 16-20ABACA



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