

2017毕业论文-基于ipsec的vpn设计与实现 基于IPSec的VPN设计与实现 摘要:





最终以某大型连锁超市为例,进行VPN组网实验。 关键词:

虚拟专用网 安全传输 Design and Implementation of VPN Based on IPSec Abstract: VPN is the expansion of enterprise network, it can help by remote users, the company branches, commercial partners and suppliers with the company s internal

network linking the establishment of credible security, And to guarantee the security of data transmission. VPN can be used for the growing global mobile users Internet access, in order to achieve a secure connection; corporate Web site can be used to achieve secure communications between the virtual private lines, for cost-effective to connect users to business partners and the safety of the Virtual Private Network Net. In this paper, based on the agreement IPSec VPN, and can easily meet the medium and small enterprises of the daily demand. After the medium and small enterprises, especially small businesses VPN application of the actual needs of the investigation and study, to determine the most economic and effective way to achieve medium and small enterprises VPN configuration. Key Word: Virtual Private Network security transmission 目录 第一章绪论1 1.1网络与信息安全1 1.2本课题的研究背景1 1.3论文主要内容3 第二章虚拟专用网(VPN)技术4 2.1 VPN概念4 2.1.1 VPN的接入方式4 2.1.2基于IP的VPN5 2.2 VPN关键技术6 2.2.1隧道技术6 2.2.2加解密技术7 2.2.3密钥管理技术7 2.2.4使用者与设备身份认证技术8 2.3小结8 第三章IPSec协议10 3.1 IP安全性概要10 3.2 IPSec概述10 3.2.1 IPSec基本思想10 3.2.2 IPSec结构体系11 3.2.3 IPSec工作模式13 3.3安全关联SA15 3.4三个基本协议15 3.5 IPSec的工作原理16 3.6小结

17 第4章IPSEC VPN实现模型的设计18 4.1 超市VPN设计18 4.2 VPN的 功能20 4.3 VPN 服务器配置21 4.4 小结24 致 谢24 25 第一章绪论 1.1网络与信息安全 因特网发展至今,它提供的浩瀚资源不断给世界带来惊喜,聚集全球各行业精英共同创新成为可能。

然而,九九年春节期间YaHoo被黑,电子商务的热门站点eBay,E-Trade,Amazon等的相继挂彩,无疑给沉浸于无限网络资源的人们敲响了警钟-----网络世界并非风平浪静! 资源共享是支撑因特网风行全球的应用之一。


然而,彻底将所有资源保护起来不与人共享并不现实。 因此有必要在共享与安全之间找到一个合适解决方案,把所有不安全因素尽量排除于真正需要共享者之外,在不受威胁的前提下实现真正的资源共享。




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