减速器箱体箱盖加工工艺及夹具设计概述(doc 49页)



减速器箱体箱盖 加工工艺及其工装设计

学生姓名: 学生学号: 院(系): 年级专业:




摘 要


关键词: 主减速器箱盖;主减速器箱体;工艺设计;工装设计


According to the request of the topic, Have analysised the WD - 400 mining main reducer box cover parts of the structure ,determined the parts of the blank size, the locating datum, the processing content and processing combined with the actual processing equipment and processing route is worked out. Completed the calculation and selection of the tolerence of parts, machining allowance, cutting parameter and basic man-hour quota of process parameters, completed the processing technology design of cover parts as well as the the process card in detaile.Aim at the two process of milling and boring the reducer box combined surface bearing hole , and finished the analysis and calculation of the cutting force, clamping force, the fixture positioning error and precision , completed the design of tooling fixture , finished the assembling drawing of the tooling fixture of the milling and boring reducer box combined surface and comlieted some important part drawing at the same time.the fixture design meets the requirements after checking .

Keywords The main reducer box cover,process design,equipment design,mechanical


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