2020年高考英语天津专版二轮复习文档:专题三 阅读理解 第三节 题组2 Word版含答案


The researchers also described studies which found that women who had children later in life were more likely to be healthier and live longer than those who had children early,which they attributed to the fact that these mothers tend to spend more time with younger women.Similarly,people who marry younger partners tend to live longer than those who marry older partners,according to other studies.

Taken together,the research supports the general mind-body hypothesis(假说) that when a younger mind is prepared,a younger body can accompany it.While the mechanism(机制) remains unclear,the researchers figured that suggestions associated with aging can make one unconsciously or consciously aware of old age and set in motion a series of physiological processes that can have real effects on short-term and long-term health.

语篇解读 本文为说明文,题材为科普知识类。觉得自己更年轻的人更健康也活得更长。 11.The underlined word “perception” in Paragraph 2 means “”. A.view C.influence 答案 A

解析 词义猜测题。由第一段第一句中的“You’re as young as you feel”及第二段第一句中的“how the mind influences the body”可推测出答案。

12.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraph 3? A.Blood pressure is closely related to hairdos.

B.Feeling older than one’s real age may be tied to health problems. C.Getting cancer or heart disease is the cause of hair losing. D.The women who love hairdos look younger than those who don’t. 答案 B

解析 细节理解题。由第三段列举的三项研究的结果及最后一句话的总结可知选B。 13.It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that . A.a younger mother is more likely to live longer B.the younger one of a couple lives much longer

C.often staying with younger people can benefit people’s health D.people who want to live longer need to marry young 答案 C

解析 推理判断题。由该段中举的例子可推知选C。

B.appearance D.creation

14.The passage mainly tells us that .

A.getting bald too early is not good for health B.women had better give birth later in their life C.people who marry younger partners tend to live longer

D.people’s view of their age may have an effect on their own health 答案 D

解析 主旨大意题。由第一段第一句中的“You’re as young as you feel”和最后一段第一句中的“the research supports the general mind-body hypothesis(假说) that when a younger mind is prepared,a younger body can accompany it”可知,人们对自己年龄的认知可能会影响健康,故选D。

15.From which page of a newspaper is the passage most probably taken from? A.Entertainment. C.Economy. 答案 B

解析 文章出处题。本文是关于健康的,故最有可能出自报纸上的健康专栏。故选B。



When you want to throw something out as “junk”,better take a second thought as it may be of great value.In fact,scientists made the same mistake with DNA years ago,and now they are trying to get it right.

We often say that DNA is a kind of acid that contains our genes.But the truth is that genes only make up 1 to 2 percent of our DNA,which caused scientists to believe that the rest of it is useless.

Nevertheless,instead of doing nothing,junk DNA,as it is called,turned out to be playing an important part in our body.If genes are like light bulbs,then junk DNA acts as switches.

They control which genes are used in a cell and how active they are.For example,they can determine whether a cell becomes a lung cell or a neuron(神经元).

The study,published in the journal Nature on September 5,started in 2003,and 442 scientists from 30 labs around the world were involved,according to Reuters.It is considered the biggest breakthrough in genomics(基因学) in a decade because it might help scientists find the cause of certain diseases.

It has long been known that many complicated diseases,such as cancer,are caused by tiny changes in DNA.But now scientists realize that most of the changes occur

B.Health. D.Politics.

not in the genes themselves,but in the “junk” part of the DNA.They are able to keep track of how and why the switches change and then figure out new treatments and drugs.

“Our former understanding of DNA was like getting a picture of Earth from space,”Eric Lander from the Broad Institute,US,told TheNewYorkTimes.“You know the planet is there,but you cannot see exactly what it’s like on the surface.”

But now with the new study result “you can follow the roads and see the traffic circulation.That’s exactly the same way we will use this data in cancer research,”explained Mark Rubin from Weill Cornell Medical College in New York. 语篇解读 本文主要介绍了垃圾DNA其实在我们的身体中也扮演着重要的角色。 16.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A.DNA—The Cause of Cancer B.What Is DNA?

C.A New Discovery for “Junk DNA” D.A Misunderstanding of Genes 答案 C

解析 标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了垃圾DNA其实在我们的身体中也扮演着重要的角色,这是医学上的一个新发现,故选C。

17.What does the underlined phrase “get it right” in the first paragraph refer to?

A.Discovering new types of DNA.

B.Recognizing the importance of junk DNA. C.Understanding the role genes play in DNA. D.Telling useful DNA from useless one. 答案 B

解析 词义猜测题。根据上文中的“多年前科学家对于垃圾DNA也犯了同样的错误”可推知,他们现在正在纠正,也就是认识到垃圾DNA的重要性。故选B。 18.The author explains how different parts of DNA work by . a.introducing a general theory b.making a metaphor(比喻) c.giving examples

d.displaying research data A.a,c C.a,d

B.b,c D.c,d

答案 B

解析 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“If genes are like light bulbs,then junk DNA acts as switches.”可知,作者使用比喻来解释DNA的作用;根据第四段内容可知,作者具体举出了例子,故选B。

19.The results of the study mentioned in the article show that . A.cancer is caused by tiny changes in genes themselves

B.the study of junk DNA is less important than the study of genes C.changes in junk DNA do not affect genes

D.junk DNA is very important for the functioning of our cells 答案 D

解析 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“They control which genes are used in a cell and how active they are.”可知,垃圾DNA对于我们细胞的正常功能是非常重要的,故选D。 20.Which of the following statements might Mark Rubin agree with? A.The findings of our genes are enough to fight against cancer. B.The battle against cancer will be won within two years.

C.The findings of junk DNA throw light on how we might cure cancer. D.The new treatments and drugs will change junk DNA quickly. 答案 C

解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“That’s exactly the same way we will use this data in cancer research...”可知,研究垃圾DNA得出的数据将运用到癌症治疗的研究中,故选C。

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