
论 文 题 目 基于排队论在线客服系统的优化设计与实现 学 科、专 业 计算机科学与技术 研 究 生 姓 名

导 师


摘 要






Enterprise and the customer is linked by online customer service system, it is the tool with which the enterprise to grasp the pulse of the market, grasp market trends, understand customer information important. Companies to achieve high efficiency and high efficiency processing customer requirements, it is necessary to optimize the online customer service system working mechanism, service efficiency, improve the service quality of the enterprise, to reduce customer waiting service response time, improve the competitiveness of enterprises.

On the online customer service system characteristic and the actual data are analysed in this paper, which can be determined by using queuing theory to the online customer service system modeling and optimization, based on the M / M / N and M / M / 1 queue performance comparison, decided to use M / M / N queue on online customer service system modeling, on the basis of on the way, separately from the queue, customer tolerance, enterprise efficiency and decision strategies in four aspects of online customer service system optimized design. And then separately from the functional and non-functional two aspects of online customer service system needs analysis, and then from the queue, scheduling strategy, function structure, system structure and the database of five aspects of the system are analyzed the design, on the basis of this, the J2EE specification achieved under optimized based on queuing theory online customer service system, its performance analysis, the results show that after the optimization, online customer service system performance are significantly superior to the optimization of the customer service system.

Keywords: customer service; queuing theory; Timeshare strategy; Optimization design


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