
48.hung up /rung off 挂断 49.turn down 拒绝 50. speed up 加速

第四章 动词的时和体(一)

I. Multiple choices.

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section, each of which is supplied with four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to choose the one answer that best complete the sentence.

1. He usually ___ coffee, but today he ____ tea.

A. drinks / is drinking B. is drinking / drinks C. is drinking / is drinking D. drinks / drinks 2. ___ you ____ the wind. It _____ very strongly tonight.

A. Are you hearing / is blowing B. Are you hearing / blows C. Do you hear / blowing D. Do you hear / is blowing

3. While people may prefer television for knowing about the news, it is unlikely that television ____ the newspaper completely.

A. replaced B. have replaced C. replace D. will replaced

4.Research ____ all over the world into the possible cause of cancer in the past years.

A. was made B. had been made C. has been making D. has been made

5.When you _____, I know for certain that you will feel much better.

A. are waking up B. have been waking up C. wake up D. have woke 6.Hardly had Tom ____ when the movie began.

A. seated B. been sat C. sited D. been seated

7.― The ground is wet.‖ ―Yes, didn‘t you know? _____ for the last 20 minutes.‖

A. It‘s raining B. It was raining C. It‘s been raining D. It‘s has rained

8. Johnson ___ a novel about ancient China last year, but I don‘t know whether he has finished it.

A. has wrote B. wrote C. had written D. was writing

9.The air will be further polluted unless some measures_____.

A. will be taken B. are taken C. were taken D. had been taken

10.When David arrived, he learned Jack ____ for almost two hours.

A. had gone B. had set off C. had left D. had been away

11. You should have put the yogurt into the fridge, I expect it ____ undrinkable by now.


A. became B. had become C. has become D. becomes

12.Even if she herself _____ tomorrow, it ____ too late to do anything.

A. will come… is B. should come… were C. comes… will be D. comes… would be

13.Advertising media like direct mail, radio, television and newspapers ____ to increase the sales of industrial products.

A. have been used B. will be used C. is being used D. has been used

14.We are late. I expect the film ___ by the time we get to the cinema.

A. will have started B. has started C. will start D. may start

15.A bell ring again! It was the third time someone ___ me that evening.

A. has interrupted B. had interrupted C. to have interrupted D. would have interrupted 16.—Can I help you, sir?

—Yes. I bought this radio here yesterday, but it _____.

A. didn‘t work B. won‘t work C. can‘t work D. doesn‘t work

17.I don‘t know when she _____, but when she ______ I‘ll discuss with her.

A. will come… comes B. comes… comes C. comes… will comes D. will come… will come

18.To understand the situation completely requires more thought than ___ thus far.

A. has given B. was given C. being given D. has been given

19.―100 Yuan for this cloth! I _____ it would cost so much, ‖ said the woman in surprise.

A. know B. hadn‘t known C. don‘t know D. didn‘t know

20.Jessica ought to stop working; she has a headache because she ____ too long.

A. has been reading B. had read C. is reading D. read

II. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong.

21. For in 1895, the year of the Curie marriage, Roentgen discovered the famous rays that are A B C D named after him.

22. The changes that taken place in air travel during the last sixty years would have seemed A B impossible to even the most Brilliant scientists at the turn of the 19 century. C D

23. I regret having left the work unfinished, I should plan every thing ahead carefully. A B C D 24. No bank kept enough cash to pay all its depositors in full at one time. 18


25. Almost every new innovation goes through three phases. When initially introducing into A B the market, the process of adoption is slow. The second phase is the explosive one, where C

the innovation was rapidly adopted by a large number of people. D

26. I have been studying here for three years, by the next summer I will graduate. A B C D

27. What do you think we shall do if it will rain on the day fixed for the sports meeting? A B C D

28. It is reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory will be A B C rising by about 10%. D

29. The meat is not ready yet and it already has to be cooked for another five minutes. A B C D

30. She had worked on this essay for 20 minutes but she has written only about a hundred A B C D words.

31. Human beings are using the natural resources so rapidly over the years that some of them A B C are almost gone. D

32. Knowledge begins to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be A B C communicated to another by means of speech. D

33. Like is often pointed out, knowledge is a two edged weapon which could be used equally A B C for good or evil. It is now being used indifferently for both. D

34. The law also provided begun in 1971 federal employees would be granted three-days A B

weekends by observing Washington‘s Birthday on the third Monday in February, Memorial C

Day on the last Monday in May, Columbus Day on the second Monday in October and

Veteran Day on the forth Monday on October. By 1971, most of the states also adopted the


new dates.

35. A study at the Boston University Medical Center of overweight police officers and other public employees confirmed that those who diet without exercise regained



almost all their old weight, while those who worked exercise into their daily routine C maintained their new weight. D

III.Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase.

36. As soon as he saw ____ happened, he switched off the electricity.

37. When I started working for this company, I ____ an architect for six years. 38. She‘d ____ studying marine biology but she finally decided on geography. 39. The minute the train ____ standstill, get on and try to find a seat.

40. I spoke to Sylvia last night: she sounds ____ had a hard time recently. 41. I was really happy when they announced ____ decided to get married. 42. It wasn‘t until he mentioned the conference that I ____ met before. 43. By next Christmas we ____ decorating the house.

44. After he had lost his glasses, he ____ but to buy another pair.

45. Our builder told me he ____ best to get the materials as soon as he could.

IV. Fill in each of the gaps in this passage with one suitable word.

I've often _____ (46) that Stefan's success as a teacher is due to his eccentricity as much as his knowledge of the subject. From the first time he ever _____ (47) into a classroom, students have always loved him. They've probably _____ (48) met anybody who displays such an extraordinary mixture of enthusiasm and great personal warmth. It _____(49) also probably the first time they've _____ (50) somebody who always wears a leather jacket and a scarf even at the height of summer.

【参考答案与解析】 I. Multiple choices.

1.【A】 usually表明我们经常做的事,所以用一般现在时。 today 表明说话的时候正在做的事,用进行时。

2.【D】\通常用在一般现在时中。说话时正在发生的动作用进行时is blowing。 3.【D】本句的意思是:―虽然人们可能喜欢靠电视获得最新消息,但电视完全取代报纸是不可能的。‖此句是对将来情况的预测,故用一般将来时,而不能用过去时、现在完成体和一般现在时,故A、B、C均应排除。

4.【D】被动语态。从时间状语in the past years 判断,该句应该用现在完成体;research做主语,其谓语应用被动式。


6.【D】sit为瞬间性动词,不用于完成体,be seated 表示―就坐,坐下‖,此处用其过去完成体形式,故选D。

7.【C】时间状语for the last 20 minutes, 表示的是过去的一段时间里完成的动作持续到现在并有可能继续下去,动词应用现在完成进行体。故选C。 8. 【B】句中有last year只能用过去时。


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