
A.Their bikes are aimed at people who can't afford a car. B.They are pioneers in the field of bike sharing in China. C.There are 7.25 million people using their bikes this year. D.No other bike-sharing system in the world can match theirs. 13.Why are shared bikes convenient according to Hu Hong? A.They can be shared by a lot of different people. B.They allow people to use various forms of transport. C.They are a useful addition to other means of transport. D.They are accessible as long as people have smartphones. 14.What do we know about the existing problems with bike sharing? A.They are actually universal phenomena. B.They are brought by bike-sharing users. C.They are mainly caused by the operators. D.They are the results of illegal companies. 15.What could be the best title for the text? A.What problems does bike sharing face in China? B.Bike sharing: a new battle begins in China C.Why is bike sharing popular in China? D.Bike sharing is booming in China Ⅱ.阅读七选五

School newspapers are considered to be one of the best media of teaching students about various problems in the society.They create a sense of achievement in the minds of the students and help students improve their writing, creativity and management skills at a young age.__1__ So it's important to start a school newspaper.

School newspapers are supposed to be “Of the students, By the students and For the students”.The committee of the “little journalists” should include a student with excellent writing and editing skills acting as the editor, along with a team of 3 or 4 other writers regularly writing articles.Students outside the committee might also be given a chance to write short stories, poems, jokes etc.__2__ This is because it can give a fair chance to all the students.

__3__ To make the contents available to readers, the contents have to be classified into different topics, including news articles on current problems, school news and announcements, activity schedules for sports and quiz competitions, columns (专栏) for personal contributions (投稿), such as jokes, puzzles, paintings

and photography.__4__ School kids can be asked to write their views about the paper or about any topic that they wish for.

It's common to publish school newspapers every month.The committee may be allowed to select any other duration (持续时间) if it wishes to.__5__

Now, does starting a school newspaper still seem like a challenge? A.It reflects students' special interests and hobbies. B.A school newspaper is basically a collection of contents. C.It would be advisable to elect a new committee annually. D.They have the art of discovering new talent out of the students. E.Letters to the editor are also an important part of the newspaper. F.However, committee members should ensure publishing schedules are followed. G.But schools may publish their newspapers by putting them up for viewing in classrooms.

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