中职 英语基础模块第一册课后答案


1:Complete the dialogues. B:Hello! How are you? A:How are you? B:Good morning. A:It's really fun. 2.Match.

classroom. library. playground canteen. dormitory. computer lab 3.Answer the questions.

⑴I think it's very large and beautiful. ⑵Yes,there is.

⑶Yes.I want to get good grades and gain some useful society skill. 1.Pre-reading

⑴The writer learns carrepairing.

⑵The writer felt lonely and missed parents very much.

⑶The writer has three classes in the morning. In the afternoon,the writer has practice classes.After class,the writer has many interesting activities. 3.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box. ⑴Luckily ⑵vicational ⑶ repair ⑷concern ⑸adapt 4.Write down your own school life plan.

Another new term comes again,so I should have a school life plan to promote myself.Firstly,I decided to finish my homework carefully than before.And pay more attention to the know ledge.Secondly,I will do a lot of read to widen the range of my knowledge and try to combine thoerty to practice.Finally, I will learn to adjust,to be more positive and more helpful. That's what I plan to do in a new term.


⑴Are, am ⑵ are ⑶is ⑷are ⑸ is, is ⑹ Are ⑺ is ⑻is

Unit 2 Warming-up 2. Parents mother children

daughter. son. wife. husband children sister. brother 3.Answer the questions.

⑴ Four people. mother, father, brother and me. ⑵Yes.we live in a woman home. ⑶My father is a company clerk. 4.Rewrite the sentences. How very lonely the little dog! What a beautiful rainbow!

How handsome young man you are! Reading and Writing 1.pre-reading

(1)He raised four children.

(2)Not only their “father”,but also their good friend. 3.⑴plays with ⑵real ⑶toys ⑷daughter ⑸animals 4.⑴children

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