高中英语译林版模块一Unit2《Grammar and usage(1) Preposition+which and preposition+whom》公开课教案

高中英语译林版模块一Unit2 Growing pains《Grammar and usage(1): Preposition+which and preposition+whom》优质课公开课教案教



Teaching aims:

Learn the functions of V-ing form in sentences. Enable the students to master the usage of V-ing form. Use what they have learnt to complete the related exercises


Students have learnt that Ving can be used as subjects, objects, adverbial of sentences, which lay a good base for further learning of the usage of Ving.


Difficult & Important points: 1. When to use V-ing from 2. How to use V-ing form




活动1【导入】Step 1 Lead in

T: Tell them since they have learned the text and the language points in it, you may have found many sentences with V-ing form. Now let’s read the following sentence and tell the functions of these V-ing forms in the sentences.

This lesson is boring. (表语Predicative)

There are sleeping students in class. (定语Attribute)

活动2【讲授】Step 2 Usage of V-ing form as an adjective

T: Tell them today they will learn the functions of the V-ing form in sentences and how to use V-ing form as an adjective or adverb. Let them look at the text books (page 28) First let the students go through the sample sentences in the group 1 and summarize the usage of Verb-ing forms as an adjective. Function as an adjective:

A verb-ing form can appear before a noun. It modifies the noun as an adjective does. V-ing形式可以同形容词一样置于名词之前修饰名词。

We can sometimes put an adverb before the verb-ing form. 有时V-ing形式也可用副词修饰。

A verb-ing form can appear after a noun to modify it as an attributive clause does. It can be changed into an attributive clause.

V-ing 形式亦可以同定语从句一样置于名词之后修饰名词,可以转化成定语从句。 V-ing 形式可以用作表语或宾语的补语。

T: After this, T can show them more sample sentences to help them to get a better understanding of the grammar rules and pay attention to some key points. Attribute: a running man

The man running in the picture is Liu Xiang. The man running fastest got the first place. The man who is running in the picture is Liu Xiang.

(Tell them to pay attention to the position of the V-ing forms when they are used to modify a noun.) 小结:


单个V-ing词作定语修饰名词一般置于名词之前(如例1);V-ing词组修饰名词则置于名词之后(如例2、3),此时相当于一个定语从句(如例4)。 Object Complement:

I heard the girl singing in the class room.

I noticed a long queue outside the bank waiting for it to open. The baby watched his dad shaving his face with great interest. We have the fire burning all day.

(Get the students focus on the words in blue and red, especially the functions and meanings of the words in red.) 小结:

V-ing形式作宾语补足语置于宾语之后,表示一个正在进行的动作(如例1、2、3),或强调一个过程或一种状态。(如例4) V-ing形式作宾语补足语时,往往同宾语存在逻辑主动关系。 V-ing形式作宾语补足语的常见动词:

make, let, have, keep, leave, see, watch, hear,, notice, find, feel 等。

(After the above, give them enough time go over what they have learnt to make sure they have no difficulty in understanding them. Explain any questions raised by the students.) 活动3【练习】step 3 Exercise Practice:

T: Ask them to fill in the blanks with the given words in the correct form. Meanwhile let them tell their functions in the sentences.

1. Sixty million people _____________ (live) in rural areas are moving to the cities every year. 2. The bottle ___________ (contain) the poison was sent to the laboratory. 3. The man ________ (sit) on the platform is a professor from Wuhan University. 4. The children ____________ (practice) playing the violin over there will give a 5. Our trip was ______________ (disappoint) .We did not find any unusual plants. 6. I saw them _____________ (force) the door open with a hammer.

7. We heard them ____________ (quarrel) about money after the concert; they looked very angry. 8. I heard him ____________ (drop) lots of coins into the collecting tin.

9. You can see them _____________ (perform) every night this week at the New Theatre. 10. The news was __________ (shock). All the three boats had sunk in the storm. 活动4【讲授】Step 4 Usage of V-ing form as an adverb

T: Let the students look at group2 on page 28 and group 1 on page 30. Ask them discuss in pairs to summarize the following:

Function as an adjective:

A verb-ing can be used after verbs like stand, sit and lie. These two actions are happening at the same time.

常用于 stand, sit, lie 等动词之后表示伴随的状态。

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