最新-八年级英语下册 Unit 1语言要点全解(含2018中考

人教版八年级(下)Unit 1语言要点与中考

1.come true 实现;达到

There are many famous predictions that never came true. (P7) 有许多著名的预言从未成为现实。

要点分析:come true 指“(愿望实现、预言成真)”,不可用于被动语态,且其后不能跟宾语。如:

His dream will come true sooner or later. 他的理想迟早会实现。

Whdn she was 22 years old, her dream to be a teacher came true. 她二十二岁时,她成为一个老师的愿望实现了。


1.(2018内蒙古包头)If we try our best, our dream will ________ one day. A. work out B. come true C. put up D. show off 2. alone adv. 单独地;孤独地

I think I’ll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don’t like living alone. (P6)我想我会和我最好的朋友们住在一套公寓里,因为我不喜欢独处。


He took a walk alone in the park. 他独自一人在公园散步。 alone还可用作形容词,仅作表语,不能用作定语。如:

He was alone in the room when I saw him. 我看到他时,他独自一人在屋里。 [中考真题]

2.(2018广西柳州) He did the work all by himself. A. already B. together C. alone 3. There will be….句型的用法

I think there will be more tall buildings. (P4)我想将来会有更多的高楼。 要点分析:There will be…是 there be句型用于一般将来时态的表现形式,意为“将有……”,在应用时可用be going to 形式取代will,表示相同含义。如:

There will (is going to) be more free time to play. 将会有更多的空闲时间去玩耍。

There will (is going to) be a English film this evening. 今天晚上将有一场英语电影。


3. (2018广东河源)—Why are you in such a hurry,Mike? —There _______ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes. A.will be B.will have

C.is going to have D.are going to be 4. fewer adj. 较少的;较少数

A: I think there will be more pollution. 我想将来污染会更严重。

B: Well, I don’t agree. But I think there will be fewer trees. (P3) 不同意这个说法,但我认为树将会更少。


There are fewer boys than girls in my class. 我们班的男生比女生少。

I have fewer dresses than you. 我的衣服比你少。 [中考真题]

4. (2018四川成都)— scientific attitude is needed in developing our city.

— I agree with you. In this way, we can make mistakes. A. Fewer; less B. Less; more C. More; fewer 5. look for 寻找

After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people under buildings. (P9) 经过一次地震后,一个蛇形机器人能够帮助寻找建筑物下的人。

要点分析:look for 是及物短语动词,表示寻找某人或某物,主要强调“找”的动作和过程。注意:look for不可拆开使用。如:

My brother wanted to look for a job as a report. 我哥哥想找一个做记者的工作。 I looked for my wallet everywhere, but I didn’t find it. 我到处找钱包,可是没找到。


5. (2018湖南益阳)—What are you doing? —I'm the key to the door.

A. finding out B. looking after C. looking for 6. hundreds of 好几百;许许多多

However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. (P8)然而,他们承认这需要花几百年。

要点分析:hundred 用来表示量多而不具体的数量时,本身要用复数形式,后加介词of,即hundreds of。如:

Hundreds of birds fly in the sky. 数百只鸟儿在空中飞翔。

There are hundreds of students in the school. 这所学校有数百名学生。 [中考真题]

6.(2018哈尔滨市)______ travelers come to visit our city every year. A. Hundred of B. Hundreds of C. Five hundreds D. Hundred 7. in 与after

A: Will people use money in 100 years? 一百年后人们将会使用金钱吗? B: No, they won’t. (P2) 不,不会。 要点分析:


We will finish the work in two weeks. 我们两周后完成那项工作。

His father will be back from Shanghai in three days. 他父亲三天后将从上海回来。


7.(2018安徽)I hear our teacher will be back three weeks' time. A. at B. in C. for D. after

8. paper n. 纸;纸张

Books will only be on computer, not on paper. (P2) 书将只在电脑上,而不在纸上。

要点分析:paper表示“纸”,是物质名词,没有复数形式。“一张纸”用a piece of

paper,“两张纸”用 two pieces of paper。如:

Could you please give me a piece of paper, please? 请递给我一张纸好吗? We will use less paper in the future. 将来我们会使用更少的纸。 [中考真题]

8.(2018广西梧州)Please pick up the ____. Don’t keep it on the floor. A. paper B. boxes C. books D. bottles

9. It is + adj. + for somebody to do something句型

He thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person. (P8) 他认为让机器人像人类一样做事很困难。

要点分析:在It is + adj. + for somebody to do something句型中,it是形式主语,to do something是真正的主语。如果要说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的,可以在不定式前面加一个由for引起的短语。如:

It’s not good for old people to live alone. 独居对老人们不好。

It’s really hard for me to work out the maths peoblem. 对我来说算出这道数学题确实很难。


9.(2018辽宁沈阳)It is very important ___ people to have food and water every day.

A. for B. of C. with D. abou 10. seem v. 像是; 似乎

That may not seem possible now, but computers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed impossible a hundred years ago. (P9)

要点分析:seem用作连系动词,常跟形容词作表语。如: Everything seemed easy. 一切似乎都很容易。 She sees quite unhappy. 她看起来很不高兴。 [中考真题]

10. (2018山东青岛) — Look! There is a horse racing program on TV now. — Hmm .... It __exciting.

A. seems B. looks like C. feels D. seems like 11. dress v. 穿衣

At the weekends, I’ll be able to dress more casually. (P6) 周末的时候,我会穿得更随意一些。


The small child was not old enough to dress himself. 这个孩子太小,不会自己穿衣服。

She dressed her children quickly. 她很快给孩子们穿上衣服。 dress也可以用作不及物动词,意为“穿好衣服”。如:

She washed, dressed and went out. 她洗完脸穿好衣服就出去了。 [中考真题

11. (2018广安市) -David, can you _______ yourself? -Of course, I can.

A. dress B. put on C. wear

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