
北理工《大学英语(2)》在线作业 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、 单选题

1.There is a nice-looking car there. I wonder ______. A. whom it belongs to B. whom does it belong to C. it belongs to whom D. whom does it belong 正确答案:A

2. She did not even look up when I took my seat ____ her. A. beside B. besides C. except D. to


3.The actor went to the United States many years ago. He has been ___________ forgotten. A. above all B. after all C. all but D. all out 正确答案:C

4.Do what you think is right _____ they say. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. if only 正确答案:B

5. Having worked for three hours or so they stopped ____ a rest. A. taking B. to take C. having

D. having take 正确答案:B

6. We'll leave as soon as it________ raining. A. is stopping B. stops C. will stop D. shall stop 满分:2 分 正确答案:B

7. There are many kinds of metals, ______.

A. each having its special properties B. having its special properties C. one has its special properties D. each has its special properties 满分:2 分 正确答案:A

8. Henry talks to his dog as if it ______ him. A. understood B. understand C. understands

D. would understand 满分:2 分 正确答案:A

9. I have got some leave ____________ to me at the end of the month and I will have a good rest. A. coming B. belonging C. owing D. due

满分:2 分 正确答案:D

10. Give a little from the heart, _____________ you receive a lot in spirit. A. then B. and C. if D. unless

满分:2 分 正确答案:B

11. Our society has changed and ______ in it. A. so the people have B. the people have so C. so have the people D. have the people so 满分:2 分 正确答案:C

12. Those _____ are selected come to register, please. A. he B. they C. who D. whom

满分:2 分 正确答案:C

13. Every means ______ been tried ever since the machine broke down. A. has B. have C. are D. is

满分:2 分 正确答案:A

14. All the apparatus______ before the experiment began. A. have been tested B. had been tested C. were tested D. had tested 满分:2 分 正确答案:A

15. Peter wishes that he _____ law instead of literature when he was in college. A. could study B. studied C. had studied D. would study 满分:2 分 正确答案:C

16. He is going to visit the college _____ he studied 10 years ago. A. where B. that C. in where D. which

满分:2 分 正确答案:A

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