


(时间120分钟 满分 150分)

第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)



例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9,I5. 答案是C。

1. What does the woman like collecting best? A. Stamps. B. Coins. C. Train tickets. 2. Which country found lovely music is good for people’s hearts? A. America. B. Australia. C. Russia. 3. What is the woman eager to buy? A. Ice creams. B. Candy. C. Drinks. 4. Where are the two speakers?

A. In the bank. B. In the classroom. C. In the supermarket. 5. What prevented the woman calling the man yesterday?

A. She lost her cellphone. B. Her cellphone was power off. C. Her teacher took her cellphone away.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位罝。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the woman looking for?

A. A casual dress. B. A business suit. C. An evening dress. 7. What will the woman do next?

A. Try on the clothes. B. Bargain with the man. C. Pay for the clothes in cash. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. How old is the woman's grandfather?

A. 78. B. 79. C. 80. 9. What did the woman's grandfather do last winter?

A. He went in the hospital. B. He went on a cycling holiday. C. He attended a skiing contest.

听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What are the speakers arguing about? A. Who to blame. B. Which way to go. C. What transport to take. 11. Why did the policeman stop the speakers?

A. They took the wrong shortcut. B. They drove beyond the speed limit. C. They went through the red light.

12. What was the initial reason for what happened to the speakers?

A. The woman didn’t prefer to travel by train. B. The man failed to ask the way. C. The man forgot to book tickets earlier. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. What is the basic purpose of the IQ tests? A. To test who is brighter. B. To test language and numerical ability. C. To judge an individual talents.

14. What makes so many unhappy parents in the world? A. Their children being stupid. B. Their children’s failing in the exams. C. Their children’s abilities not being developed. 15. Why do some children do badly in school exams? A. They are not good with words and numbers. B. They do not study hard enough. C. They are looked down upon by others in school. 16. How can a person be happy?

A. Putting your skills to good use. B. Having a higher IQ.

C. Doing well in the exams.

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What is the conductor like? A. Anxious. B. Absent-minded. C. Kind-hearted. 18. What should Mr. Mora do in Princeton? A. Give a lecture. B. Meet an old friend. C. Visit a university. 19. Why must Mr. Mora find the ticket?

A. He might be fine B. He forgot the destination. C. He wrote something important on it. 20. What kind of person is Mr. Mora? A. Forgetful. B. Careful. C. Bad-tempered.

第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分35分)




Crossing your legs is an extremely common habit,which most people always ignore. While you may find it comfortable to sit with one knee crossed over the other, it might be causing health problems that you are not aware of.

A study published in Blood Pressure Monitoring stated that sitting with your legs crossed can increase your blood pressure,because the blood in your legs has to work against gravity to be pumped back to your heart, and crossing one leg over the other increases resistance, making it even harder for the blood to circulate. Certainly, you won’t feel any immediate effects, but you shouldn’t have your legs crossed for more than 15 minutes.

Crossing your legs can also lead to neck and back pain. When you sit with your legs crossed, your hips are in a twisted position. Not only does it cause one of your pelvic bones to rotate but also adds pressure on your lower and middle back and neck. So ideally it’s best for our bodies to sit with our feet planted flat, hip width apart, on the floor.

Moreover, your feet and legs might get painful or have the feeling of being asleep when you cross your legs for long periods of time. Since the veins and nerves are pressed, it can cause numbness and/or temporary paralysis in the legs, ankles, or feet. While the feeling of discomfort may only last a minute or two, repeatedly crossing your legs until they feel numb can cause permanent nerve damage.

So next time you sit down, try to get yourself in the habit of sitting with both of your feet on the floor. Not only will it help your posture and stability, but it will also save your health in the long run. 21. Which problem won’t sitting with your legs crossed cause?

A. Increased blood pressure B. Neck and back pain C. Numbness D. Curving legs

22. How soon can we benefit from sitting with both of our feet on the floor? A. In less than 15 minutes B. Only in a minute or two C. For quite a long time D. In a month 23. Where is the text likely to be selected from?

A. A fiction B. A piece of newspaper C. A textbook D. A journal of medicine


Smartphone App Helps ALS Sufferers Speak With Their Eyes

Microsoft has developed a new smartphone app that interprets eye signals and translates them into letters, allowing people with motor neurone disease to communicate with others from a phone.

The GazeSpeak app combines a smartphone’s camera with artificial intelligence to recognize eye movements in real time and transform them into letters, words and sentences.

For people suffering from ALS(渐冻症), also known as motor neurone disease, eye movement can be the only way they are able to communicate.

“Current eye-tracking input systems for people with ALS or other motor impairments are expensive, not robust under sunlight, and require frequent re-adjustment and a large number of relatively immobile setups,” said Xiaoyi Zhang, a researcher at Microsoft who developed the technology.

“To reduce the drawbacks…we created GazeSpeak, an eye-gesture communication system that runs on a smartphone, and is designed to be low-cost, robust, portable and easy to learn.”

The app is used by the listener by pointing their smartphone at the speaker. A chart that can be stuck to the back of the smartphone is then used by the speaker to determine which eye movements to make in order to communicate.

The sticker shows four grids of letters, which each correspond to a different eye movement. By looking up, down, left or right, the speaker selects which grids the letters they want belong to. The artificial intelligence algorithm is then able to predict the word or sentence they are trying to say.

Zhang’s research, Smartphone-Based Gaze Gesture Communication for People with Motor Disabilities, is set to be presented at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in May.

24. The underlined word “robust” in Paragraph 4 probable means_____________.

A. Strong B. Healthy C. Useful D. Fragile 25. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Eye movement is not the only way ALS sufferers can communicate. B. The Gaze Speak app has been widely used.

C. Current eye-tracking input systems have many disadvantages.

D. Microsoft develops this new smartphone app with the aim of making more profit. 26. The main purpose of the passage is to _________. A. introduce a new app

B. let us know what ALS is.

C. show the importance of artificial intelligence.

D. compare current eye-tracking input systems with the Gaze Speak app.


On the day the tornado hit, there was no indication severe weather was on its way—the sky was blue and the sun had been out. The first alert my husband, Jimmy, 67, and I, 65, got came around 9 p.m., from some scrolling text on the TV Jimmy was watching.

No sooner had we found coverage of the tornado than it was on top of us. The house shook violently, the power went out, and even the wind began to roar through the house. We intended to shelter in the closet of the first floor, which seemed like the safest place, but before getting there, we had to get through three flights of steps. I didn’t know how or if we would make it down the steps, as the wind lifted me off my feet. I tried to move forward a bit, but in vain.

As we finally reached the last flight of steps, our front door blew out. Pieces of glass flew everywhere. Had we been one step up, a three-foot-long tree branch would have stabbed us.

By the time I reached the closet, the tornado had been over us for about a minute. Jimmy pushed me down to the closet floor, but he couldn’t get inside himself because of the wind. I grasped Jimmy’s arm as the tornado sucked the door open—we never did get it fully shut—and tried to bring Jimmy with it. My knees and head were full of glass, but in that moment, I felt no pain. If I had let go, Jimmy would have flown right out the back of the house and into the bay.

All of a sudden, Jimmy lifted off his feet like people in tornadoes do in the movies. I thought he was gone. And then everything stopped. He landed on his feet. In those first quiet moments, I couldn’t believe it was over.

The tornado lasted 4 minutes,but to us, it felt like a life time. Of the houses left standing, ours suffered the most damage. Amazingly, none of us were severely injured.

27. Why didn’t the couple realize the coming of the tornado?

A. There was so signs. B. They didn’t pay attention to the weather. C. They were too busy to take notice of it. D. We got a wrong alert about it from TV. 28. Facing the disaster, how was the couple’s reaction?

A. Indifferent B. Excited C. Fearful D. Calm 29. Which turned out to be the greatest difficulty for them in escaping from the disaster? A.Their house was too high.

B. It was at night and the power went out.

C. The wind with the tornado was so strong that it lifted them up for several times. D. The couple was too scared to move fast. 30. What can we learn form the passage?

A. The author was so severely injured that she felt no pain.

B. The couple loved each other deeply and the husband put his wife first. C. They missed being stabbed by the long tree branch as they moved fast. D. The author felt regretful for their damaged house. 第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


How to Enjoy Life As a Teen

Maybe teens are not the best years of your life, but you should still learn to make the most of your high school days. ___________31____________.

1. Learn to appreciate small things. Whether it's having a computer, having friends, having a family that loves you, or simply being born in this world, remember that the point of life is for you to enjoy it. _____32____ Remember these are the last few years you are able to enjoy yourself without having to worry about the responsibility of an adult, but make sure you prepare yourself for when you actually become an adult,

2. Choose your friends wisely. _______33_____Try to have friends that like you who you are, not just the things you have. These are people who shop at the same store as you; not someone who will sympathize with you when your dog dies.

3. Be sociable. Participating in clubs, activities, and sports increases your chances of meeting new friends.________34________ Participating gives you something to do instead of sitting bored at home and wallowing in self-pity.

4.______35________. Video games, for example, are good if you're the type who can get into that kind of thing. You should also find a hobby that is meaningful or practical. Use your \

5. Work at a job you can enjoy. Working is a great way to gain experience and to meet other people. Prior work experience will help you find a job more easily. If you can't find work, just volunteer or make your own job. A. Small things may make a great difference to your life.

B. In fact, many of the \C. Following are some tips for you. D. You can pursue interests you enjoy.

E. Try to take part in various social activities.

F. While you only need 4 or 5 close friends, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to meet new people. G. Be happy and life will reward you.

第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分〉


I was shopping in a big store when a boy, not more than 6, turned to me and wondered if I was sure his money was enough to buy a doll. I __36 his cash and shook my head. However, the little boy was 37 holding the doll in his hand.

It was the doll 38 his sister desperately _39 , and he wanted to _40 her for her birthday. But she had gone to be with God. His mommy was going to see God very soon too. Therefore, he thought that she could take the doll for his sister. With these _41 , he showed me a very nice photo of him, ready for his sister. My heart 42 stopped. I secretly 43_ some money to his, and we started to count it.

Realizing there was enough for the doll and even some _44 money, the little boy __45_ happily that the night before he 46 God to make sure he could buy that doll and a white rose his mother loved but he didn’t _47 to ask for too much. _48 , God agreed.

I finished my shopping in a totally different _49 from when I started. I couldn’t get the little boy out of my mind. Then I remembered a local newspaper article two days ago, _50 a drunken man in a truck hit a car 51 ___by a young woman and a little girl. Two days later, the young woman _52 . With a bunch of white roses, I went to the _53 home. She was there, in her coffin, accompanied by what his son prepared. Seeing this, I felt that my life had been changed forever…

The love that the little boy had for his mother and his sister is still, to this day, ___54__ to imagine. And the _55 driver had taken all this away from him…

36. A. checked B. distinguished C. piled D. counted 37. A. even B. still C. ever D. also

38. A. that B. which C. who D. what

39. A. searched for B. prepared for C. longed for D. waited for 40. A. gifted B. sent C. bought D. chose 41. A. expressions B. presents C. dolls D. words 42. A. nearly B. hardly C. mostly D. seldom 43. A. threw B. added C. poured D. drew

44. A. spare B. extra C. lucky D. broken 45. A. cried B. shouted C. whispered D. screamed 46. A. begged B. asked C. demanded D. requested 47. A. want B. desire C. dare D. hope

48.A. Surprisingly B. Unexpectedly C. Doubtfully D. Hopefully 49. A. way B. direction C. state D. position 50. A. explaining B. printing C. narrating D. mentioning 51. A. occupied B. bought C. driven D. parked

52. A. took away B. passed away C. flew away D. moved away 53. A. marriage B. sorrow C. funeral D. accident 54. A. impossible B. unbearable C. rare D. hard 55. A. drunken B. selfish C. careful D. absent-minded 第二节(共小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) (原创)


Books are our friends. They have actually made a great difference ___56____ our life. Some people say:” We are ___57___ we eat.” There may be some __58_____(true) in it. According to reports ___59____(release) by Chinese college libraries, the most popular books among Chinese students are best-seller novels, like Journey Under the Midnight Sun and Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (《天龙八部》), while US college students like reading The Republic and the Clash of

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