江苏省宿迁市宿豫区关庙镇初级中学中考英语 九上 Unit 18 复习要点


(Unit1) 一、词形变化

create—creative energy—energetic both—neither sell—sales

organize—organized—organization connect—connection patient—impatient

care—careful—careless—carelessness fix—fixed power—powerful

speak—speech practice—practical appear—disappear

person—personal--personality recommend—recommendation 二、重点短语

show off 炫耀

sales department 销售部

take the lead领先,处于领先地位 fall behind (---) 落后(于…) connect to/ with---与……连接 as good as 简直是,和……几乎一样 do the dishes 洗碗 animal sigh 生肖 star sign 星座 in all 总共

an article about---关于……的文章 make me feel good 使我觉得好 get angry easily 容易生气

make a good accountant 成为一个好会计 work without speaking all day long 整天工作部说话

win high praise 赢得高度评价/ 好评 in itself 以其本身而言,本质上 day after day 日复一日 general manager 总经理

take on new challenges 接受新的挑战 high-speed railway 高速铁路 make a mistake 犯错误

work to high standards 以高标准工作 a pioneer heart surgeon 一名杰出的心脏外科医生 works of arts 艺术品 in fact 事实上,实际上 all over the country 全国

at work 在工作

accept others’ advice 接受别人的建议 worry too much 顾虑太多 play chess 下棋

chat with each other 互相聊天 do some shopping 购物 in the future 将来 believe in 信任

in some ways 在某些方面,在某种程度上 the Year of the Rabbit 兔年 for fun 为了好玩,取乐

appear in a fixed order 以固定的顺序出现

a lunar year 农历年 a lunar calendar 农历

people born under the same animal sign 生于同一生肖的人 for example 例如

in western countries 在西方国家 throughout one’s life 在某人的一生中,终生

the people around you 你周围的人

the things he needs to do 他需要做的事 make a speech 演讲

do extra work 做额外的工作

get himself more organized 使自己更有条理

many strong qualities for this position 许多适合这个职位的突出品质

the most suitable person to be our monitor


through hard work 通过艰苦的工作 eat ---up 吃光

be curious about---对……感到好奇 keep ---in order 使……保持井然有序 come up with----想出(主意,办法) neither ---nor --- 既不……也不…… either---or----不是……就是…… both----and----…和…都……

not only ---but also----不仅……而且……

pay attention to sth/ doing 注意…… devote ---to sth/ doing 致力于…… be suitable for----适合……

think twice (about sth ) 三思而行 divide ---into---把……分成…… agree with sb 同意某人 agree to do sth同意做某事 be absent from---缺席……

share sth with sb 和某人分享某物 部分“强调句型”

It’s said/ well-known / reported that+从句 “据说/ 众所周知/ 据报道”…… neither ---nor --- 既不……也不…… either---or----不是……就是……

not only ---but also----不仅……而且……

both----and----…和…都…… Neither + 动词+ 主语。“……也不……” find out 找出,查明

be used to do sth 被用来做某事 be angry with sb 生某人的气

be happy / pleased / satisfied with--- 对……感到满意

impress sb with---以…… 给某人留下深刻印象 give up----放弃……

be ready/ willing to do sth 乐意做某事 can /can’t afford to do sth (没)有能力/ 金钱/ 时间做某事

can not ----too---无论怎样,也不过分 do an operation on sb 给某人动手术 =operate on sb

take part in----参加

spend -----on sth 在……花费时间/金钱 spend ----doing 花……做某事 be similar to ---与……相似

(be) different from---- 与……不一样 be confident of ---对……有信心 depend on ----取决于……,依靠…… decide to do sth 决定做

be interested in sth/ doing 对……感兴 趣

pass onto ----转达,传递给……,遗传 给……

be afraid of ----害怕…… in front of -----在……前面

try/ do one’s best to do sth 尽力做某 事

help sb with sth 帮某人解决某事 三、重要句型

A miss is as good as a mile.差之毫厘谬 以千里

Like father , like son.有其父必有其子 It is/ was + 强调部分 + who/ that+其它



( 9A Unit2 ) 一、词形变化

weather---whether relax—relaxed peace—peaceful sad—sadness strong—strength hot—heat decide—decision

difficult—difficulty create—creative

prefer—preferred—preferring person—personal—personality feel—feeling wise—wisdom

suit—suitable stress—stressed warm—warmth suggest—suggestion discover—discovery 二、重点短语

change one’s mind / moods 改变主意/ 情绪

in a good/ bad mood 心情好/ 不好

prefer sth/ doing sth to sth/ doing 喜欢…不喜欢…,和…相比更喜欢…

would rather do sth 宁愿做,更喜欢做 would rather do than do 宁可做,也不做remind sb of ----使某人想起……

remind sb to do sth 提醒,某人做某事 on their wedding day 在他们婚礼这一天 calm down 平静下来,冷静下来

feel stressed/ relaxed 觉得有压力/ 放松

cheer ---up 使……高兴起来 green with envy 妒忌的

have difficulty with sth 某事有/遇到困难

have difficulty (in) doing 做某事遇到困难 make a decision 做出决定 decide to do 决定做某事

be suitable for------适合…… promise to do 答应做,承诺做 make a promise 许诺

suggest doing 建议做某事

suggest sb/ sb’s doing 建议某人做某事 a good match 好的搭配

look good ons sb 穿在某人身上好看 look good in ----穿着……好看 look out of the window 向窗外看 just now 刚才 such as 例如

feel sleepy 觉得困倦 fall asleep 入睡

the colour of purity 纯洁的颜色 people in cold areas 寒冷地区的人

cerate a warm and comfortable feeling 营造温暖舒适的感觉

be tired of---- 厌烦,因……而困倦 be tired out 筋疲力尽

(be) of some help (to----) (对…) 有帮助

take action (to do ) 采取行动(做) have difficulty making a decision 做出决定有困难

get into trouble 陷入困境 get married ( to sb )结婚

ask sb for help 向某人寻求帮助 hope for success 希望成功 in many ways 在很多方面 light colours 浅色 dark colours 深色

depend on personal taste 取决于个人品味

be made of---由……制成 be made from---- 由……制成 instead of--- 代替,而不是 stay at home 呆在家里

good luck to sb 祝某人好运 goof luck with sth 祝某事顺利 be used for celebration 用于庆祝


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