高考英语 书面表达系列系列及参考范文(61)




1. 新时代需要雷锋精神;

2. 结合实例说明如何向他学习:志愿者、传承爱心 3. 号召大家努力学习,培养社会责任感。 注意:

1. 可根据内容要点适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译; 2. 词数:120左右;

3. 开头与结尾已写好,不计入总数。

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning!

What we are going to talk about today is really meaningful, since some people have raised doubt about learning from Comrade Lei Feng.

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Thank you for listening!

【参考范文】书面表达 One possible version Ladies and gentlemen, good morning!

What we are going to talk about today is really meaningful, since some people have raised doubt about learning from Comrade Lei Feng. Should we still need to learn from him? The answer is surely yes.

Our society calls for the spirit of Lei Feng. “To live is to serve the people” perfectly explains the real meaning of the long-lasting spirit. Nowadays, with volunteering spirit spreading throughout the world, we students can make use of our spare time to do some voluntary work for those in need and show great concern to people

around us. All we need to do is to help others whole-heartedly.

We teenagers need to be people who promote the long-lasting spirit. So it is high time that we developed sense of social responsibility and studied hard so that we can live up to our country’s expectations. I’m sure everybody can make a difference. Only in this way can we build a more harmonious society. The world needs love and care. Let’s do as Lei Feng did.

Thank you for listening!


6. 假如你叫王东,你的叔叔三十年前离开家乡去了美国。不久前,他观看China Report节目,得知中国决定加大建设社会主义新农村的力度,感慨万分,于是发了一份e-mail给你,询问近来家乡的变化情况。请根据email内容和提示要点,给你叔叔做简要回复。E-mail开头和结尾已经给出。 日期:20-03-2006

发件人:Wangguifu usa@hotmail.com 收件人:Wangdong_88@l63.com 主题:T0 Xiaodong Dear Xiao Dong

How are you doing?

The other day when 1 was watching China Report CCTV at home, I was excited to learn that the Chinese government is calling on her people to speed up the reconstruction of their countryside. The report at once took my thoughts back to the small village I once lived in.

The houses were old and low. The roads were muddy and narrow. Villagers had to go a long way on foot or by bike in order to do some shopping or see a doctor in town. Because of very small income, villagers lived quite a plain life, even without TV sets or telephones.

How time flies!. It is 30 years since I left my home village. It must have changed a lot. Would you please write and tell me something about its changes? Remember me to your parents!

Yours, Wang Guifu 要点:①.叔叔离家后,家乡变化很大。 ②.生活条件愈来愈好。 ③.房子大而宽敞,许多人住进了设施齐全的公寓。

④.装了电话,买了彩电、洗衣机、冰箱等。⑤.宽敞的道路连接了村庄和城镇。 ⑥.买了拖拉机、卡车和汽车。⑦.学校教育良好。⑧.政府重视农村城市化建设。 要求:1)、词数:100左右。2)、可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Uncle ,

I’m very glad to receive your email .

Great changes have already taken place since you left , Our living conditions

are getting better and better. Villagers have moved into big and comfortable houses, and many live in well-equipped blocks of flats. Almost all have been equipped with telephones . They have not only bought color TV sets , but also washing machines , fridges, etc. Wide roads have been built to connect villages and towns. Some families have got their own tractors, trucks or even cars. Besides, children can now enjoy very good education.

Our government cares very much about the reconstruction of our countryside . We

are speeding up the citifying of the villages .


7. 请以宿舍管理委员会的名义写一份通知,2007年4月2日发出。内容如下:

① 时间:4月5日晚上7点。 ②地点:3号楼103房间。 ③ 内容:学生宿舍安全问题:安全用电、火灾应变、防止失窃等。 ④ 参加人员:每间寝室一名同学。

I hope that you and aunt will come back and have a visit to the new village . Best wishes .

Yours Xiao Dong

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