2019年高考英语外研版必修3-课时作业(十八) Module 6 Old and New

2019年高考英语外研版必修3-课时作业(十八) Module 6 Old and New

课时作业(十八) 必修3 Module 6 Old and New

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建议时间 / 40分钟

基础检测 Ⅰ.词形转换

1.You can use fresh or (freeze) fish for this dish. 2.It is dangerous to drive in (fog) conditions.

3.After the earthquake,the first thing the local government did was to provide (accommodate) for the homeless families.

4.These dirty marks were difficult to (removal).

5.The new suspension bridge designed by the famous architect is under (construct) now. Ⅱ.单句填空

6.Don't talk about things of you are not sure.

7.The wolves hid themselves in the places they couldn't be found. 8.He failed in the examination, made his father very angry.

9.“Things (lose) never come again!” I couldn't help talking to myself. 10.The room is empty except for a bookshelf (stand) in one corner. Ⅲ.短语填空

11.She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to (抑制) the tears. 12.I hope that all your wishes (实现) in the new year. 13.It (合情合理的) to save money while you can.

14.He (紧紧抓住) the back of the chair to stop himself from falling. 15. (在某种意义上) it doesn't matter any more. Ⅳ.句型训练

16.My computer (正在维修). Can I use yours for a while?

17.When we make mistakes, he will correct them (不让我们感觉到自己愚蠢).

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2019年高考英语外研版必修3-课时作业(十八) Module 6 Old and New

18.There is (为……焦虑是没有意义的)the past.

19.It is said that yoga is (有极大的益处) to human health.

20.He (一直梦想创办) his own business since he graduated from college.

能力提升 Ⅴ.阅读理解

Last week, Education Secretary Arne Duncan declared war on paper textbooks. “Over the next few years,” he said in a speech at the National Press Club, “textbooks should be abandoned.” In their place would come a variety of digital-learning technologies, like e-readers and multi-media websites.

Such technologies certainly have their place. But Secretary Duncan is threatening to light a fire to a tried-and-true technology—good old paper—that has been the foundation for one of the great educational systems on the planet. And while e-readers and multi-media websites may seem appealing, the idea of replacing an effective learning platform with a widely hyped (炒作) but still unproven one is extremely dangerous.

An expert on reading, Maryanne Wolf, has recently begun studying the effects of digital reading on learning, and so far the results are mixed. She worries that Internet reading, in particular, could be such a source of distractions(分散注意力) for students that they may cancel out most other potential benefits of a Web-linked, e-learning environment and while it's true that the high-tech industry has sponsored

substantial amounts of research on the potential benefits of Web-based learning, not enough time has passed for longitudinal(纵向的) studies to demonstrate the full effects.

In addition, digital-reading advocates claim that lightweight e-books benefit students' backs and save schools money. But the rolling backpack seems to have solved the weight problem, and the shocking costs to outfit every student with an e-reader, provide technical support and pay for regular software updates promise to make the e-textbook a very pricey choice.

As both a teacher who uses paper textbooks and a student of urban history, I can't help but wonder what parallels exist between my own field and this sudden, wholesale abandonment of the technology of paper. 21. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.A tried-and-true technology is paper textbooks, long used in educational system. B.Digital learning technologies will replace the paper textbooks sooner or later. C.E-readers and multi-media websites are learning methods that are proved effective. D.Multi-media websites and good old paper are kinds of digital-learning technologies. 22. What is the drawback of paper textbooks according to the passage? A.Their price. B.Their weight. C.Their content.

D.Their appearance.

23. What worries Maryanne Wolf is that .

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2019年高考英语外研版必修3-课时作业(十八) Module 6 Old and New

A.paper learning can provide more potential benefits B.the results of digital reading effects are understandable C.students may not focus on learning by digital reading D.digital reading can't provide potential benefits for users 24. What is the author's attitude towards digital-learning? A.Disapproving. C.Positive. Ⅵ.阅读七选五


Make your brain smarter

You know that eating a proper diet and getting plenty of exercise help make your body healthy and strong. But did you know that there are ways to make your brain healthier and smarter? Studies show that when the brain is forced to do something new, it creates new neural (神经的) pathways. 25

· Limit your TV viewing.

Watching an average TV show requires very little brain power and brings the same result as neglecting (忽视) physical exercise. 26 If you watch TV, choose something educational and informative.

· Use your non-dominant (非支配的) hand.

If you are right-handed, use your left hand for everyday activities, or use your right hand if you are left-handed. Doing familiar things in a new way will cause your brain to create new neural networks. Brushing our teeth is something we do daily. 27 But maybe we should. Experts suggest that we can force the brain to work by changing things up and working with our non-dominant hand. So the next time you brush your teeth, open the tube, apply your toothpaste and brush with the opposite hand.

· 28

Jump in the shower and shut your eyes. Even if you drop the soap—that's okay. 29 Searching for the soap while feeling the textures (质地) with your eyes closed works. Using your fingers to make fine distinctions between objects or textures can reconnect the brain areas involved in touch, suggests Larry Katz, a professor of neuron-biology at Duke University Medical Centre and author. A.Shower with your eyes closed.

B.Smart people rarely follow a set pattern.

C.The more pathways you have, the smarter you will be. D.Use your different senses.

E.We really don't put that much thought into it. F.Put your brain to best use.

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