

1.as soon as 一.....就......我一到那就给你打电话。I'll call you as soon as I arrive/ get to/ reach there.我刚旅行回来就见到了爷爷。I saw grandpa as soon as I came back from the trip.他一到家就开始下雨了。As soon as he got home, it began to rain.2.as....as 和.....一样李平做作业不如Lucy细心,所以她老犯同样的错误。Li Ping doesn't do homework as carefully as Lucy, so she always makes/ keeps making the same mistake.我和他一样高。Ii am as tall as him.他跑得不如你快。He doesn't run as quickly as you.3.as....as possible 尽可能......我会尽快给你打电话。I will call you as soon as possible.请尽早起床。Please get up as early as possible.学英语的最好是尽可能多听,多说。The best way to learn English well is to listen and speak as much as possible.4.ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物你可以向那边的警察求助。You can ask the policeman for help.无论她要什么,父母都会为她找到。No matter what she asks for, her parents will try to get it.他从不向父母要零花钱,是吗?He never asks pocket money from his parents, does he?

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