大学英语Everyday use中maggie的形象

I am highly impressed by Maggie’s character. Entirely different from her sister Dee who is a courageous and confident girl, Maggie is ugly, lame, weak and self-abased. She is the symbol of African-American’s pain culture. The author described as “Homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her arm and legs...”.The scars recall us the years when African-Americans were being slaved. The scars exist not only on Maggie’s body, but also the deep into African-American’s hearts.

“Chin on chest, eyes on ground, feet in shuffle..” Maggie was a typical image of those who have been tamed by slave owners, being afraid of looking anybody in the eye and expressing their own thought and request.

However, it is Maggie who truly understands the value of their cultural heritage. For Maggie, the quilt is the permanent memorial of her family. She will never hang the quilt like Dee does, she will use them every day, she will pass the heritage by using it, and that`s the true meaning of the quilt. She knows the history of the quilt and she loves these quilts in emotion not in form. Also, she has learnt how to quilt, which indicates that she has inherited the soul of the heritage of black culture. She could pass their cultural heritage one generation by another. There is no doubt Maggie is the ideal heir of the quilts.

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