
Unit1 Get up on time

The first period

1.听、说、认、读、clock wall come in sit down be late play computer games等单词及短语:并能在日常生活中灵活使用。 2.听懂、会说、会写、会用下列句型:

(1)What time is it?It’s _____ (2)May I come in? ______ 学习重难点:

重点:clock wall come in sit down be late play computer games

(1)What time is it?It’s _____ (2)May I come in? ______

难点:使学生能够结合日常生活实际,谈论各种天气情况。 教具学具:课件、单词卡片、图片。 学习过程:

一、热身(Warming up)

Sing an English Song together. 二、探究新知(New Presentation)


1、先出示准备好的图片讲解单词clock wall come in sit down be late play computer games,老师领读。

2、学生跟老师一起看图片,边做动作边说单词。 3、教师读单词,学生跟读单词并指出图片。 4、再次 ,利用开火车的方式认读单词。





(二)、展示表演:师生互动。 Mom:Get up,Colin!Get up! Colin:What time is it?Mom? Mom:It’s seven. Colin:Oh,I see. 三、强化训练,当堂达标:

1、利用已所学的知识,编写简单的英语对话,加入本节课的单词和句型。2、展示作业,师生共同评价。 四、小结:谈谈这节课你有什么收获? 五、Homework:

1、认读所学单词。 六、Notes

The second period


1.听、说、认、读、clock wall come in sit down be late play computer games等单词及短语:并能在日常生活中灵活使用。

2. 听懂、会说、会写、会用下列句型: (1)What time is it?It’s _____ (2)May I come in? ______


get up come in look at the clock that’s all right 学习重难点:


单词clock wall come in sit down be late play computer games

句型:(1)What do you do at···? (2) What time do you ···? (3)What time is it?


教具学具:情境图片。 学习过程: 一、检查预习

Mom :Get up,Colin!Get up! Colin:What time is it?Mom? Mom :It’s seven. Colin:Oh,I see.

二、探究新知(New Presentation)


1、呈现新对话并老师教读讲解。 Colin :May I come in?

Miss White:Come in,please.Look at the clock on the wall. It’s eight twenty, Colin.You are late. Colin : I’m sorry.

Miss White:That’s all right.Sit down,please.

Colin :Thank you.

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