
朗文2A全册总测试卷—A卷;Class:Name:;听力部分(20分); 一.选出你听到的单词填入字母序号(10分)()1;()1A.No,thanks.B.Yes,Iam;()2A.She’sateacher.B.He’;笔试部分(80分);三.单项选择题(10分);()1.Howdoyoucometoschool;A.BybikeB.ByhandC.Byt 朗文2A全册总测试卷—A卷 听力部分(20分)

一. 选出你听到的单词填入字母序号(10分) ( )1 A.very B.ferry C.Jerry ( )2 A.tram B.tree C.train ( )3 A.food B.foot C.full ( )4 A.can B.kind C.kite ( )5 A.Sam B.some C.same 二.听问句选回答(10分)

( )1 A.No, thanks. B.Yes, I am. C.Bye.

( )2 A.She’s a teacher. B.He’s a cook C.Yes, she is. ( )3 A.Yes, I do. B.No, you can’t. C.I’m fine

( )4 A.It’s behind the door. B.There are three. C.It’s very dirty. ( )5 A.On the farm. B.It’s OK. C.Me too.

笔试部分(80分) 三.单项选择题(10分) ( )1. How do you come to school ? A. By bike B. By hand C. By the way ( )2.Who is your Music teacher ? A. Me too B. Mr Black C. PE class ( )3. What’s your father’s job ? 1 A. Peter B. A waiter C. A housewife ( ) 4. Don’t pick the flowers . A. Thanks B. Fine C. Sorry ( )5 .Where is the snack bar ?

A . At 7:00 B. Behind the garden C. Very good 四.就句子划线部分提问(10分) 1. My phone number is 2369 7762 . What _______ ________ telephone number ? 2. I go to school by bus . How______ you go to school ? 3. My sister is a nurse . _______ is your sister’s job?

4. My Maths teacher is Miss White . _____ is your maths teacher ? 5. Charlie is in the park . Where ______ Charlie ? 五.连线题(8分) 1.I like this food. A. It’s Andy.

2.Where are the animals? B. You are welcome. 3.Who is it? C. It’s yummy.

4.Thank you. D. They’re on the farm. 5.Don’t worry. E. She loves me. 6.Look at that sign. F. He’s unfriendly. 7.I love my sister.

G. I can help you. 8.I don’t like him. H. We can’t swim here.


1. We come to school by foot.( ) 2. He have big eyes.( ) 3.Tim mother is a housewife.( ) 4.Don’t making a noise.( ) 5.Where is the birds?( ) 6. There are some milk.( ) 七.用代词替换句子划线部分(10分) 1 Tom can’t walk. Let’s help Tom. . 2 Miss Liu is kind. We love Miss liu. . 3 Sally is my classmate. Sally lives near my home. . 4 Bob is my little brother. Bob has big ears.

. 5 John is not friendly. We don’t want to play with John. . 八.将数字序号填入横线(10分) 3

1what 2 how 3 who 4 how many 5 where 1.A:_ do you go home? B:I go home by school bus.

2.A: _ is your English teacher? B:My English teacher is Mr zhao. 3.A:

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