人教版高中英语人教版必修2 Unit 1 Cultural relics period 1 测试(教师版)

课时精练:Unit1 reading课时检测


1.If you want to book a room in a hotel, you should first go to the ______ (接待) desk. 2.Few buildings in Beichuan County ______- (幸存) the big earthquake on May 12, 2008. 3.Christmas is coming. People are busy _______(装饰) their houses. 4.Her brother bought her a _______ (贵重的) watch as a birthday present. 5.A new highway between the two cities is being ________ (设计).

6.There is a beautiful garden over there. Do you know whom it ______ (属于) to? 7.They ______ (选择) that village as the base for the experiment. 8.There are many buildings in Roman _______ (风格) in this city. 二、多项选择

1.—What do you think of my article, professor?

—The ________ part is well written, but the latter is just so-so. A.former




2.—Congratulations on your being the best player!

—Thanks a lot, but the honor ________ all the people caring about me. A.listens to B.belongs to

C.prefers to D.gets to

3.Poland and Russia, which were still ________ in 1920, have become good trade partners today.

A.in war

B.at war

C.at peace

D.in peace

4.Remember not to _____ the dishes from the table before the customers leave. A.fetch


C.get D.bring

5.The woods and the newly-dug river through the campus ________ the beauty of this world-known university.

A.belong to B.add to

C.devote to D.get to

6.I have no ________ that he will pass the exam, but I still think there is something about whether he has really got everything ready.





7.In a second-hand bookshop,Billy came across a book which he thought was certainly a ________ edition.

A.rare B.special



8.Some plants can take in carbon dioxide we breathe out and give ________ oxygen to us. A.in case

B.in turn

C.in return D.in addition

9.It must ________ a secret or the plan will never work. A.remain




10.Many poor families lost their farms because of storms. So they traveled west to California ________ a better life.

A.in honor of C.in danger of 三、阅读理解


The Leshan Giant Buddha is a statue of Maitreya (弥勒大佛) in sitting posture. The Buddha is located in Sichuan Province, facing Min River, Qingyi River, and Dadu River. In December, 1996, the Buddha was included by UNESCO on the list of the World Heritage (世界遗产录).

The statue was begun in the year 713 in the Tang Dynasty, and finished in the year 803. The Buddha is 71 meters high. The eight-meter-long instep (脚背) is big enough for one hundred people to sit on and the 28-meter-wide shoulder is large enough to be a basketball playground.

A monk called Hai Tong is connected with the Buddha forever. At that time, wild waters brought out many boat accidents and people just put the disaster down to the presence of a water spirit. So Hai Tong decided to make a statue beside the river thinking that the Buddha would bring the water spirit under control. After 20 years' begging from door to door, he finally collected enough money for the plan. When some local government officials tried to get this amount of money, Hai Tong said that they could get his eyeball but not the money raised for the Buddha. After he dug out his eyeball, these officials ran away scared. The project was half done when Hai Tong passed away, and two of his disciples (门徒) continued the work. After a total of 90 years' hard work, the project was finally completed.

Having such a long history, the Buddha was nearly destroyed by the wind and rain. The Chinese government began the repairing work in 1963 under the instruction of experts from UNESCO.

1.What's the main idea of this passage? A.To explain the Leshan Giant Buddha briefly. B.To tell us how the Leshan Giant Buddha was built. C.To say where the Leshan Giant Buddha is.

D.To mention how the Leshan Giant Buddha came into the World Heritage. 2.According to the passage, the Leshan Giant Buddha________.

B.in search of D.in memory of

A.was completed when Hai Tong was alive B.didn't exist now

C.played a good role in controlling the river D.has been a World Heritage site for over ten years 3.Hai Tong hoped to build the statue to________. A.make his temple more famous B.show respect to the water spirit C.protect the safety of the local people D.get more people to believe in Buddhism

4.In this passage, Hai Tong can be best described as________. A.generous B.cruel

C.easy-going D.long-suffering


The Harbin Ice and Snow Festival has been held every year since 1963. It had to stop for a number of years during the Cultural Revolution, but it was restarted in 1985.

Harbin City is one of the sources of ice and snow culture in the world. It is located in Northeast China and receives the cold winter wind from Siberia. The average temperature in summer is 21.2 degrees Celsius and -16.8 degrees Celsius in winter. It can be as cold as -38.1 degrees Celsius in winter.

Officially, the festival starts from January 5th and lasts one month. However, the exhibitions often open earlier and last longer, weather permitting (允许). The ice sculptures range from decorations using modern laser (激光) technology to more traditional ice lanterns. There are Ice Lantern park touring activities held in many parks in the city. Winter activities at the festival include Yabuli Alpine skiing, winter-swimming in the Songhua River and the Ice Lantern Exhibition in Zhaolin Garden.

The Harbin festival is one of the world's four largest Ice and Snow Festivals, along with Japan's Sapporo Snow Festival, Canada's Quebec City Winter Carnival and Norway's Ski Festival.

The 2007 festival had a Canadian theme, in memory of Canadian doctor Norman Bethune. It also won a Guinness Record for the largest snow sculpture: 250 metres long, 28 feet high and using over 13,000 cubic metres of snow. The work consisted of two parts:“Niagara Falls” and “Crossing the Bering Strait”.

5.In the text we are told that the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival ________. A.started in 1963 and ended in 2007 B.is very famous around the world C.doesn't use people as its theme D.is only decorated with ice lanterns

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