牛津译林版英语七年级Unit2 Let's play sports!教案(1)

Unit 2 Let’ play sports


1. Master the new words, phrases sand sentences.

2. Learn to introduce someone, using the third personal singular forms. 3. Develop students’ ability of reading comprehension. 4. Let students be the sports-loving youth.


Part A / Part B of Reading


1. Learn to get some simple information from a short passage . 2. How to introduce someone, using the third personal singular.


Multi-media , computer, tape-recorder


Step 1. Free talk

1. T: What’s your favorite sport? S: .....

T: Do you often play...?

2. T: Do you play basketball?/ What do you play?/ What is your deskmate’s favorite sport? S: ......

Step 2 . Free dialogues about some sports star

Get students to talk about their favorite sports star. E.g. S1: Who is your favorite player? S2: My favorite player is ... S1: What club is he /she in? S2: He /She is a member of .... S1: Where is he /she from ? S2: He/ She is from ...... S1: ......

Step 3. Listening and answering.

1. We know Simon likes playing football. And who is hos favorite football player? Let’s listen to the radio and find it.

2. Listen to the passage and answer the following questions. (1) Is Simon’s favorite football player Li Hua? (2) Is Li Hua in Huanghe Football Club? (3) How old is he ? (4) What does he look?

(5) Does he come from Beijing?

(6) What does he do in his free time? Step 4. Reading

Today, let’s meet another football player. What’s his name ? Please read the article on page 20 quickly and tell me.

Key: His name is Li Hua.

Just now we know something about him, now please read the passage aloud know more about him and

answer the questions on the blackboard. In the correct paragraph numbers in the blanks in Part B1. Step 5. Listening and practice

T: Millie wants to make a card about Li Hua. Please listen to the tape and then complete the information on it. T: Millie has some questions about Li Hua. She needs your help. Please read after the tape and find the answers.

Practice the dialogue in pairs and ask more information about Li Hua. Step 6. Language points explanation

Get the Ss to give the language problems that they have in the passage. Teacher explains them to the Ss. E.g. favorite , a member of , enjoy doing sth. , look strong, make .... happy Step 7. Exercise

用所短语适当形式填空 Listen to music ; be good at; come from ; a member of; make him happy

1.The tall boy isn’t Chinese. He ______ England. 2. Li Ming likes ______ . Jay Chou is his favorite singer. 3. Can you _____ ?

4. Wendy is a tennis player. She ______ tennis.

5. I like reading and I’m __________the Reading Club. Step 8. Homework 1. Finish the exercises.

2. Revise the words and phrases in this passage. 3. Preview the new connects of next period.

板书设计: Reading (1) Is Simon’s favorite football player Li Hua? (2) Is Li Hua in Huanghe Football Club? (3) How old is he? (4) What does he look? (5) Does he come from Beijing? (6) What does he do in his free time?

He comes from Guangdong, but now lives in Beijing. He looks strong and plays football very well. Li Hua wants to play...... Favorite , a member of , enjoy doing sth. , look strong, make ..... happy.

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