

一轮复习Unit 1 Friendship(Period 2)





s was an unforgettable and wonderful experience. It happened about three years ago

and it has had a__1__effect on me. I would like to show respect here for the two men I do not know __2__ but whose actions gave a new __3__ to the words—kind and generous.

I was walking down a busy street on a cold,windy day in early __4__.A homeless man,probably about 60 and without wearing any shoes,was __5__ for change on a street corner. A BMW car __6__ on the other side of the street and an executive(主管)who was perfectly dressed stepped out of the car. He was probably about __7__ years old. He was wearing a blue business suit with a deep red silk tie. He walked__8__ across the street and over to the homeless man. Without saying anything,he first gave him a lot of __9__ and then he sat down and took off his leather gloves(手套),beautiful black leather shoes and his black dress socks. Then he __10__ them to the homeless man. The homeless man took them and stared with a/an __11__ mouth. As he drove off,I couldn't __12__ thinking that it was probably the first time he had __13__ the pedal(踏板)of that topbrand BMW car with a __14__ foot!I stood there and the looks of __15__ appeared on my face and the homeless man’s.

Two men of about the same age __16__ very different lives had met and the one who was __17__ in materials had offered __18__ than his shoes. He had left this BMW car and __19__ down from his high position. He lifted up the other man when he offered respect,__20__and real generosity.

1.A. strong B.bad

C.light D.slow

2.A. officially B.personally C.similarly D.generally 3.A. benefit B.attitude C.meaning D.award 4.A. spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter 5.A. searching B.making C.blaming D.begging 6.A. called up B.broke up C.pulled up D.sped up 7.A.40 B.50 C.60 D.70 8.A. directly B.usually C.unwillingly D.fluently 9.A. money B.water C.sand D.oil 10.A. posted B.handed C.kicked D.threw 11.A. closed B.full C.open D.empty 12.A. stand B.delay C.forget D.help

13.A. bended B.cut C.repaired D.pressed 14.A. relaxed B.large C.bare D.single 15.A. excitement B.astonishment C.sadness D.pride 16.A. but B.or C.and D.before 17.A. successful B.careful C.useful D.helpful 18.A. rather B.more C.other D.better 19.A. broken B.fell C.stepped D.rolled 20.A. surprise B.disappointment C.anxiety D.kindness 二、阅读理解


Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don’t give friendship back. That is why some friendships don’t last very long. To have a friend, you must learn to be one. You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules: be honest; be generous; be understanding.

Honesty is where a good friendship starts. Friends must be able to trust one another. If you don’t tell the truth, people usually find out. If a friend finds out that you haven’t been honest you may lose your friend’s trust. Good friends always count on one another to speak and act honestly.

Generosity means sharing and makes a friendship grow. You don’t have to give your ideas and feelings. These can be very valuable to friends. They tell your friends what is important to you. By sharing them you help your friend know you better.

Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and help with problems. Something may go wrong at school. Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve. Turning to a friend for help can be a first step in solving the problem. So to be a friend you must listen and understand. You must try to put yourself in your friend’s place so you can understand the problem better.

No two friendships are ever exactly alike. But all true friendships have three things in common. If you plan to keep your friends; you must practice honesty, generosity and understanding. 21.Some friendships don’t last long because ________. A.there are too many people who want to make friends

B.those who receive no friendship from others never give others friendships C.those who give others friendship receive friendship from others D.they don’t know friendship is something serious 22.According to the passage honesty is ________. A.something countable B.the base of friendship C.as important as money

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D.more important than anything else

23.Which of the following isn’t mentioned in the passage? A.Always tell your friend the truth.

B.Sharing your mind with your friend is of great value.

C.Discussing your problems with your friend often helps to solve the problem. D.A friend who gives you his lunch money is a true friend 24.The best title of this passage is ________. A.Honesty Is the Best Policy B.A Friend In Need Is a Friend Indeed C.How To Be a good Friend D.Three Important Points In Life


Do you have the courage(勇气)to stand up and tell someone if your mother is doing something that puts both of your lives in danger?

A clever girl from New York, Anna, just nine years old, did that things two weeks ago. The girl's mother, Diana, had been drinking heavily before driving to the bank with Anna. Anna gave a note to a bank clerk secretly asking for help. And she was afraid and refused to get into her mother's car. The girl waited with the bank clerk at the door of the bank, and called her father for a ride home. After her mother got into the car alone, the bank clerk called the police to report her. A quarter mile from the bank, the mother was pulled over on suspicion(嫌疑)of drunk driving.“She failed a series of tests, including a breath test, and was taken to the police station for questioning,”Police Lt. Nick Loussia told The Detroit News.“The little girl was very smart and did the right thing, ”he said.“She tried to get her mother helped, and she refused to get back in the car with her mother because she had been drunk.”Anna said,“I hope my mother is safe. Drunk driving is too dangerous.”

As it turned out, this wasn't Diana's first drunk driving: she'd had her license suspended(暂停)twice before for drinking and driving. Although this was a sad story in some ways, it showed that the woman's daughter was able to take a stand to protect herself and her mother. Thanks to her brave action, her mother finally got the help she needed.

25. The girl stopped her mother's drunk driving by . A. refusing to get into her carB. calling the police to report her

C. telling her not to drive after drinkingD. asking for help without her mother's notice 26. What does the author think about the little girl? A. She is very brave but a little selfish. B. She has enough courage to do the right thing. C. She dislikes her mother's drinking every day.

D. She will become a successful woman in the future. 27. What did the police do with the mother? A. They tested whether she was drunk. B. They called her husband to take her. C. They drove her and her daughter home. D. They asked her to take her daughter home. 28. We can infer from the passage that . A. the daughter did that in order to help her mother B. the little girl's father is a policeman C. the mother treats her badly at home

D. the daughter always does things as her mother tells her 阅读理解(清北必做/重点、文科选做)

Friendships can be difficult—because often people aren't as honest and open as they should be. Sometimes, people finally get hurt.

Most problems with friendships come up because people are just too selfish to care about the things that their friends need. They care about their own needs much more, which makes it hard for friendships to work. However, being selfish is part of human nature. A person is put together in order to take care of themselves and their own needs, not necessarily those needs of other people. Even though being selfish is something that all humans are born with, it is something that everyone should be against.

The best thing to remember when you are a friend to anyone is that you need to treat your friends the same way that you'd like to be treated(对待). This is wonderful advice for a friendship, because it is really the only way to make sure that you are giving your friends everything you would want to be given in a friendship. Whenever you have a question about how you should treat a friend, it is easy to find an answer simply by asking yourself what you would like your friend to do for you, if he or she was in your shoes.

Even if you're always thinking about how you'd like to be treated, and your friends are too, there are problems that come up from time to time in each friendship, and it is important to understand how to deal with these problems so that you can build stronger and healthier friendships. Problems like friends getting boyfriends or girlfriends and not spending enough time with their friends, or even friends finding new friends and leaving old friends behind are problems that will probably come up with one or more of your friendships. It is important to know how to deal with these friend problems so that you can keep your friends and make new ones. No one wants to have a broken friendship. 26.This passage mainly talks about ____.

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A.the importance of friendship B.the advantages(益处) of friendship C.the problems of friendship

D.the disadvantages(劣势) of friendship

27.According to the writer, problems with friendship may appear when ____. A.one is honest

B.one is selfish

C.one is open

D.one is kind

28.According to the passage, the first and most important thing to be other people's friend is ____. 一、单词拼写

1.I said hello to her, but she __________ me completely!(忽略,不理会) 2.My children often play ____________ until it is dark.(在户外)

一轮复习Unit 1 Friendship(Period 2)


班级:________ 小组:_________ 姓名: 分数:_________ 卷面:__________


A.to treat your friend as you like to be B.to give your friends whatever you have C.not to hurt your friends' feelings D.not to think of your own need any more

29.What's the purpose of understanding how to deal with friendship problems?A.To have a comfortable life.

B.To build stronger and healthier friendships. C.To be treated the way you want.

D.To get a boyfriend or girlfriend more quickly.

3.You should not depend ____________ on the agent when we buy insurance.(完全地) 4.She had trouble ____________ in the hiding place.(安居) 5.Mr.Zhang ____________ heavy losses in the accident.(遭受) 二、短语活用

join in,fall in love with,be concerned about,get along with,calm down,set down,go through 1.The shy boy had trouble __________________his classmates at school.

2.As far as I am concerned, it's wrong of some people to __________________red lights. 3.She found it difficult to __________________ in times of danger. 4.They __________________each other at first sight. 5.He is wondering __________________ our singing group.

6.All parents ____________ greatly ____________their children's health and studies. 7.I have recited all the key information I ____________ on the notebook just now. 三、单句改错

1.Her whole school education was added up to only one year. 2.As far as I'm concerned, money is not concerned about happiness. 3.Unless inviting, I won't attend the party to be held tomorrow. 4.This is the first time that I had fallen in love with music. 5.It was in the hotel where I met Mr.Smith a few days ago.

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