



内 容 摘 要






Because of the interaction of the global market ,the logistics industry is becoming more competitive, product life cycles is becoming more and shorter, product is increasing variety. In the logistics supply chain, the supply and demand imbalance is very prominent, because of demand uncertainty increase.A serious backlog of inventory and product shortages existed,the resulting is that the increase of operating costs

reduces the profits of the industry and performance.How to enhance profitability and competitiveness of enterprises by good balance of supply and inventory managementis the logistics pressing problem.

In this paper, the company's products Shangyu B stock as the research object,First analysis of the B status of the company stock, with Flexsim simulation software, find the problem,Then, according to the company Recently upward trend since the volume of business, to improve the existing inventory system optimizationThrough Flexsim to find a method to maximize storage utilization, lower inventory costs, enhance the overall competitiveness

These results not only ask for improving the management level of stock company B, reduce the cost

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