2019年春七年级英语下册Unit 7 It’s raining单元测评 (新版)人教新目标版

Unit7 单元测评

(分数:100分 时间:90分钟) 第Ⅰ卷 听力部分 (20分)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ⅱ.听句子,选择正确答语。句子读一遍(5分)

6.A.It’s great. B.It’s cold. C.It’s far. 7.A.She is cooking. 8.A.I am a student. 9.A.It’s pretty good. 10.A.Yes, they are. B.Yes, they do.

C.No, they are doing their homework. Ⅲ.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍(10分) 11.What is the time now?

A.It is 4:30 p.m. B.It is 5:30 p.m. 12.What is Mary’s mother doing? A.Doing some washing. A.Looking for something. A.Going home.

B.Watching TV at home. B.Working on the computer.

C.Cooking at home. C.Watering the flowers.

13.What is Mary’s father doing? 14.What are Mary’s friends doing?

B.Coming to her home.

C.Doing their homework.

15.What are Mary’s brothers doing? A.Putting away their things. B.They are cleaning the table.

C.They are putting the chairs around the table.

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分 (80分)

Ⅳ.单项选择(10分) 16.— ? —It’s cold.

A.How is the weather like today B.What is the weather like C.What day is it today

D.What’s the date today

17.It hardly rains in that city,so we can say the weather there is .

C.It is 6:30 p.m.

B.She’s a nurse.

B.I often swim in the lake. B.It’s going to Beijing.

C.She’s on the beach. C.I read books. C.It’s going by bike.

A.warm A.take 19.— ? —Not bad.

B.cool B.takes

C.dry C.wear

D.cold D.wears

18.In Harbin,people always hats in winter because it’s very cold.

A.What are you doing B.What do you do

C.How’s it going D.What do you look like

20.His family want to go to Mount Emei by train vacation. A.at




21.—Do you usually have lunch at home?

—No.My mother is very busy and she has no time to for us.So I often eat outside. A.practice




D.is looking;on

22.The boy cool his new hat. A.looks like;in B.looks;in A.countries have;weather C.countries have;weathers

C.is looking like;on B.country have;weathers D.country has;weather


23.Different different .

24.It often here in winter.Look!It’s again. A.snowy;snowing B.snow;snowy C.snows;snowing (季节) in Area B?

25.Look at this picture first.If Area A is experiencing summer, what is the season

A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Autumn.



The weather is different in different parts of the world.In some places it is 26 , and in others it is humid (湿润的).If the weather is too dry, the land will not be 27 for animals or plants (植物).In humid weather there may be too much 28 .The rivers may go over their sides.The 29 may take the bridge away.If the rivers go over their sides, a lot of people may not have enough food.If there is very dry weather for a long 30 , the river beds may be dry.In some other parts of the world the weather may be very cold.There may be 31 .When it snows, the trees, the buildings and everything look 32 .In winter the days are short and the nights are long. 33 cold weather nights, when there are no clouds or winds, the 34 is very clear (晴朗的).And the moon and the stars are very beautiful.People may 35

their coats and go out for long walks.When they come back to their houses, they may be happy to have hot coffee and cakes by the fire (火). 26.A.drier 27.A.bad 28.A.rain 29.A.river 30.A.time 31.A.rain 32.A.blue 33.A.On 34.A.river 35.A.wear

B.dry B.worse B.sunlight B.rain B.way B.snow B.green B.At B.land B.put on

C.cold C.well C.wind C.water C.river C.blow C.yellow C.In C.sky C.in


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 36.On what day is it windy all day? A.Monday.

37.On what day is it snowing all day? A.Monday. A.Cloudy. A.Windy. A.Summer.


There are four seasons in a year.The weather in different seasons is different.

B.Thursday. B.Sunny. B.Snowy. B.Spring.

C.Friday. C.Rainy. C.Rainy. C.Winter.

D.Sunday. D.Windy. D.Sunny. D.Autumn.

38.How’s the weather on Sunday afternoon? 39.How’s the weather on Thursday morning? 40.What season is it?

B.Wednesday. C.Thursday.


Saturday Friday Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon D.hot D.good D.cloud D.wind D.month D.shine D.white D.After D.earth D.dress



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