最新-2018年北京市通州区中考二模英语试题及答案 精品

family moved to the new house and his son began to study in our class. So he had few friends here. At first he often 33 by himself.

His neighbor Cathy was a kind girl. She had many friends. She found the boy never talks with anybody and decided to 34 him. David liked to stay with her and talked to her a lot. And then they became good friends.

One afternoon, Cathy told David, “It’ll be 35 sixteenth birthday tomorrow. I’ll have a birthday party. Would you like to come?”

“Certainly. I’m glad to,” the boy said 36 .

David got home and thought of a 37 he could give to Cathy. He was sorry that he forgot to ask the girl what she liked. He couldn't telephone her 38 he didn't know her number. At the moment Mom came and asked, “What’s the 39 ?”

“What would you like if it was your sixteenth birthday, Mom?”

“Nothing,” the woman said, “I just 40 I were sixteen.” 31. A. living B. working C. eating D. learning

32. A. left B. missed C. opened D. found

33. A. thought B. played C. smiled D. studied

34. A. forget B. call C. ask D. help

35. A. your B. my C. her D. his

36. A. carefully B. slowly C. happily D. sadly

37. A. smile B. hand C. chance D. present

38. A. because B. so C. and D. or

39. A. number B. matter C. name D. present

40. A. discover B. learn C. wish D. remember





This is a recent survey (调查) of 5,000 students from ten schools in our town.


items (项目) are there in the survey?

A. 4. B. 5. C. 6. D. 7. 42. ____ students like playing computer games.

A. 12% B. 22%. C. 26%. D. 30%. 43. We can see from the chart (图), the most students ____ after school.

A. do sports. B. go to after school classes.

C. watch TV. D. do their homework


Father and I left early. It was unusual for us to go into town together. Usually these shopping trips were Mother’s business and she planned everything. She arrived at the bus stop just before the bus. She always got the best seat. Father had no better plan than to be first at the stop, and so we waited for over an hour.

How many

Finally the bus came and stopped, and the driver shouted at everyone, “Come on! Come on! Get on quickly!” People all climbed onto the bus. Father was polite and stood aside, so by the time we got on, there were no seats. We had to stand all the way into town. At last we arrived, cold and tired. “I’m hungry,” I said. Father took me to a restaurant. It was warm and there was a wonderful smell. I felt better. We ate lunch and discussed the day.

“We’ll have a good time!” said Father. A whole day with my father was very unusual. We were preparing to visit my grandmother. That was unusual, too. Grandmother lived in the far north, a cold part of the country. Mother told me stories about it, and I was excited about the visit. “What’s it like in the north?” I asked Father. “It’s very cold,” he said. “We must buy some warm clothes.”

We went from shop to shop, buying shoes, thick socks, scarves and gloves. We had more and more bags to carry. It was nearly time to get the bus home, but we still had one more shop to visit. Looking at the bags, Father said “I think that’s all. Let’s come again next time.”

44. Why did the writer come to town with his father? A. Do some shopping B. See his friend

C. Spend his holiday D. Enjoy nice food 45. When they got on the bus, they found ____.

A. the bus was empty B. it was warm there

C. the driver was polite D. there were no seats 46. We can learn from the passage that they ____.

A. lived in the town B. missed the bus home

C. bought a lot of things D. Father was good at shopping


It is said that people usually learn from their experience and the mistakes they make in their lives. This is correct because life teaches us what is correct to do and what is not.

Let’s consider a mistake that one has made while trying to learn to drive. As a beginner, it is common to make mistakes, but after doing something wrong once, twice or three times, it is quite impossible for him to make the same mistake a fourth time. Everyone tries their best to improve their skills and they will be very pleased to notice that the improvements really happen.

On the other hand, being successful in everything, one cannot know what failure(失败) means. One would always see only the best side of things and it would be difficult for him or her to face the difficulties coming in the future. Here we can mention the fact of a very successful football player, who has known what fame (名望) is from the very beginning of his career(生涯). We have to admit(承认) that most of his luck comes from the great talent(才能) that he was born with. But some fellow players can also work to achieve the same thing because they make mistakes in their games and they learn from each mistake that they make.

In the end, we can say that one needs to make mistakes in

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