

1.重庆A卷---I’m sorry. I broke your tea cup. ---________. I have another one at home. A. It doesn’t matter C. My pleasure

B. You’d better not

D. It’s too bad

2.重庆A卷---Mrs. Black, I’m afraid that I’ll fail the exam. ---________, dear! Take it easy. I’m sure you’ll pass it. A. Sorry to hear that B. Come on

C. All right

D. Good job

3. 山东泰安 ----Let’s go for a swim on Saturday, Jack. ----Oh, _____. I have to work on a science report.

A. what a pity B. with pleasure C. go ahead D. how come 4. 山东临沂 ----Could you please tell me how to get to the restroom ? -----_______. I;m not sure how to get there.

A.Sorry B. OK C.Of course D. No problem 5. 四川宜宾---I wish you a happy National Day. ----______.

A.The same as you B.Thank you C.The same to you

6. 江苏南京(on the mobile phone)---where are you ?I can’t see you here at the theater. ----_____. I’m just one block away.

A.Good idea B.My pleasure C.I’m coming D.Nice talking to you 7. 江苏南京---Reading is a good way to pass the time on the plane. ---_____. I never go traveling without a book.

A. You are joking. B.That’s true. C.I don’t think so. D.It sounds like fun 8. 湖南衡阳 -----Thanks a million for your help. -----______.

A.Never mind B. My pleasure C.Good idea 9. 浙江温州 ---Mum, I don’t have anybody to play with. Can I have a pet ? ---_____. Out department is too small.

A.Why not ? B.I hope so. C.Anything else ? D.I’m afraid not 10. 天津 ----I tried to pass the driving test, but I failed. ----_____. Good luck to you next time.

A.That’s great. B. It’s interesting C.That’s a pity. D.Glad to hear that. 11.天津----Hi, Diana. How was your summer holiday ? ----____! I enjoyed myself in the sea very much.

A.Good idea B.Wait a minute C.That’s too bad D.Pretty good. 12.山东德州---I’ll have an important meeting this weekend, so I can’t go fishing with you. ---_______.I thought we could have a good time together.

A.It’s a pleasure. B.You’re welcome C.What a pity D.I am sure. 13.山东滨州----______.Where there is a will , there is a way. ----Thanks. Mr. Li.I’ll try my best to improve my English.

A.Best wishes B.Never give up C.Have a good trip D.What a pity 14.四川达州----Excuse me, can I sit here ?

----______.The old man who sat here will be back soon.

A.You’re welcome B.Yes, please C.You’d better not D.No problem 15.四川攀枝花----You gave me a lot of help. Thank you. ----______.

A. You are welcome B.Don’t thank me. C.Don’t say so. D.This is what I should do 16.重庆B卷 --- Maybe you can catch the last bus. --- _______. If not, I’ll have to walk home.

A. Good job B. Just so-so C. Not at all D. I hope so

17.重庆B卷 --- I’m feeling terrible! I have a bad cold. --- ______. You’d better see a doctor at once.

A. I’m afraid not B. Sorry to hear that C. Sounds great D. You are right 18.安徽 ----Nice to meet you, Mr. Green. I’m Sandy and this is Brad, Ken and Emily. ----______.

A.See you later B.You are welcome C.Pleased to meet you all D.You have a point there 19.安徽 ----I think it takes a lot of practice to play the violin well. ----_____. Practice makes perfect.

A.No way B.My pleasure C.I’m afraid not D.That’s true. 20.四川广安----I’m going to enter an English speaking competition tomorrow. ----______!

A.Good luck. B.Have a nice trip C.No problem D.Congratulations 21.四川绵阳----Would you like some tea? ----______

A. Yes, please B.The same to you C.Me, too. D.My pleasure. 22.江苏连云港---What about going to Shanghai Disneyland Park next month, Harry? ----____! We’ll have a lot of fun there.

A. Good luck B.Never mind C.Sounds great D.Certainly not 23.四川巴中----I will have an important interview tomorrow. I hope I will succeed. ----_______.

A.Good luck B.It’s all right. C.Have fun 24.四川南充----Let’s go to the movie after the test. ----_______.

A.Not at all B.Never mind C.It doesn’t matter D.Good idea 25.江苏无锡---Have you ever heard of Cao Wenxuan, a writer from Jiangsu ?

---Of course. _____, he is good friend of my father’s.

A.I mean B.That is to say C.Above all D.Believe it or not 26.江苏无锡---Steve, I hear that Peter has won another championship. ---It’s not surprising. _______. He practices the hardest in the team. A.Every dog has its day B.No pain, no gain

C.Many hands make light work D.Actions speak louder than words 27.江苏无锡---So you gave her your mobile phone?

----______.She said she’d return it to me after she had hers fixed

A.My pleasure B.Not exactly C.With pleasure D.No problem 28.甘肃武威----I left my pen at home. Could you lend me one ? ----_______.

A.Thank you B.Yes, of course C.Hold on, please. D.Yes, just a little 29.甘肃武威-----I’m sorry, dad. I lost that wallet you gave me. ----_______.

A.The same to you B.It’s my pleasure C.Nice to see you D.Well, never mind 30.甘肃武威----Don’t throw paper on the floor. ----______.

A.Good idea B.Sorry, I won’t C.Cheers D.No way 31.江苏盐城----Thank you giving me some advice on how to deal with classes. ----______

A.That’s true B.Don’t mention it C.OK, I’ll try. D.I don’t think so 32.湖南郴州----I haven’t been back to my hometown for years. ----______! Your parents must miss you very much. A.Of course B.No problem C.What a shame. 33.江苏宿迁---The women badminton players won the Uber Cup.


A. What a pity! B. With pleasure C.Never mind. D.I’m glad to hear that. 34湖北鄂州----I’m very nervous the night before the big exam.

---- ______. I’m sure you can make it.

B. Take your time C. Go ahead

D. Enjoy yourself

A. Take it easy

35.上海---Excuse me, where is the Moonlight Hotel ? ----______.I’m a stranger myself.

A.Sorry, I don’t know B.No, I don’t think so. C.It doesn’t matter D.Thank you all the same 36.上海---The Art Festival is coming. We’re going to watch the play Twelfth Night ----______.

A.That’s all right B.Never mind C.You’re welcome D.Enjoy your time 37.内蒙呼和浩特---I came first in the long jump. ----______.I’m so proud of you.

A.Good luck B.Have fun C.Well done D.You’re joking 38.广西贺州----Could I borrow your dictionary, please? ----______. Here you are.

A.No, thank you B.Sorry, you can’t C.Yes, I’d love to D.Of course. 39.贵州安顺---Will you please take a message for the headmaster ? ---______.

A.It doesn’t matter B.Sure. I’ll be glad to C.Yes, I’ll take D.I can help you 40.山东济南----The black T--shirt is very good on you. And it’s only 30 yuan. ----Great. _____.

A.It looks sad B.It’s too expensive C.I don’t like it D.I’ll take it. 41.山东济南----Eric hurt his leg playing tennis yesterday. I hope he’ll get better soon.

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