

课题 教 学 目 标 教学重点及分析 教学难点及突破 教学环节 Step1: greetings; Step2: the whole class read the words and expressions together. Step3: give students 10 minutes to practice the pronunciation. Step4: ask several students to read the words and phrases. Step5: teach students to pronounce some difficult words. Step6; ask students to do some exercise of word-building 1. ____________ n. 矿;矿山;矿井 ____________ n. 矿工 2. ___________ vi. &n. 报道;报告 ___________ n.新闻记者 3. ___________ v. 庆祝 ___________ n. 祝贺;贺词 4. __________ n. 国家;民族;国民 __________ adj. 国家的;民族的 5. ______________ n. 快车;速递 vt. 表示,表达 ______________ n. 词语;表示;表达 Unit4 Earthquakes 知识与 能力 过程与 方法 情感态度价值观 teach the students to pronounce the words and expressions in this unit ask students individually to pronounce the vocabulary and correct them autonomic learning 上课时间 教学方法 学法指导 Week 12 Tuesday inductive method pair work and group work 课 型 words and expressions The pronunciation of some words, such as earthquake, ruin, destroy, rescue, shock, trap, damage, etc. The development of some words, such as dirt, dirty; extreme, extremely; nation, national; frighten, frightened, frightening; etc. 教学过程 老师指导与学生活动 设计意图 check whether students are able to pronounce the words and phrases in this unit.

6. _____ v. 遭受;蒙受 ________ n. 苦难;痛苦 7. _________ vt. 损害;伤害 _________ n. 伤害;受伤 _________ adj. 受伤的 要点the pronunciation of this unit 总结 1. dictation tomorrow; 作业布置 2. look up some important words in the dictionary and write notes. 课后 反思


课题 教 学 目 标 知识与 能力 过程与 方法 情感态度价值观 Unit4 Earthquakes get students to learn how to use the words and expressions in this unit. Inspiration,Questioning and Discussion get them to understand the advantages and disadvantages of transport 课 型 Warming Up & Pre-reading 上课时间 教学方法 学法指导 Week 12 Wednesday inductive method Autonomic learning, pair work and group discussion 教学重点及分析 教学难点及突破 教学环节 get the students to know the basic knowledge about natural disasters get the students to learn about the Wenchuang earthquake 教学过程 老师指导与学生活动 Step1: Greetings Step2: Ss read words and expressions in this unit together Step3: Dictation Step4: Warming Up 1. Look at the pictures below and name these disasters if you know. Fire, typhoon/ hurricane, volcano eruption, snow slide, mudflow, tornado, come to a conclusion sandstorm, flood, tsunami, earthquake. about 2. How much do you know about the earthquake? the advantages 3. What is an earthquake? and An earthquake is what happens when two plates (板块) of the earth disadvantages of transport suddenly slip past one another. 4. What happens when there’s an earthquake? Buildings fall down; Roads, bridges and railways are destroyed; many things lie in ruins; the supply of electricity and water is cut off; many people are killed or injured; more people are left homeless. 设计意图

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